Physics: Improved Stability PGS Solver - Call for Test Places

Yup. LDL-PGS Solver.


Would anyone here mind posting their before and after comparison gifs here? :eyes:


This place I think would classify as a large mechanism. It’s an entire worldly object rotating



What do they mean flip the flag?

We are able to test some features only on selected places. This means that the new feature doesn’t affect the entire population of places


Oh uh we have a car based game with suspension that could test it.

Maybe you should try your rope bridge again.

Would like to volunteer my game. 200~ concurrent players, has two character models that are snakes that use BallSockets and other constraints. Can report back here if anything goes hilariously wrong. Game won’t die if the snakes stop working, so no worries.
ID: 463915360


ID: 1758009823

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Working on a variety of constraints-heavy projects in these 3 places & they tend to spazz out at times so it’d be interesting to test out here :yum:


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Could be useful with our chassis.
ID: 1217145310

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Heres my game with a vehicle chassis that uses PGS.

ID: 1877415988


Ooooo, this should be fun.

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I plan on having more physics based objects on this level, namely floating platforms and such. Not to mention the projectiles are a bit buggy, and I’m not entirely sure if this flag effects a game or specific places, so I’m sending one of the levels in the game.

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Just “developing” this active Ragdoll character controller system since few weeks , and also once attempted to build a realistic pure physics driven Bow which was quite a hit on Social Media :slight_smile:

Just testing the playermodel holding a sword as it constantly dies of Constraint explosion :neutral_face:

the sword


I have a few places you can test different physics in:

In & Out has physics based vents that players can crawl through - they’re small so you have to crouch © to get through them.

My suspension tests heavily use physics and constraints.
The Tyres are physically simulated, and sometimes pass through the floor.

This place doesn’t use constraints, but does use the physics engine a lot.
In order to move the boat you have to step on it, then select the tool in your backpack. (It adds velocity to the boat, depending where you point).
The boats can sometimes be unstable and capsize.

I have wanted to simulate bey physics for years but Roblox’s physics engine was never up to it. Perhaps it is now.
Two beyblades in an arena, with a simple Torque Constraint that provides the beys with rotational velocity.
When the beys collide they often go flying, so this would be a fun one to test out.


Yes please, it’ll be interesting to compare.

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Really interested to try it out on this place please.

For transparency, this is a clone of a game I work on called Stepford County Railway. The original is on Charlie_RBX’s account (non-member). I have permission and I’m in charge of development. Thanks!

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ID = 378326255

This is very constraint based, interesting to see if there will be a noticable difference!

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I’ll volunteer my game.

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