Physics Issue with Door Collision in Studio

Hello everyone!

I’m currently working on a project in Studio and I’ve run into an issue with my door. The physics of the door seem to be a bit off, as the player can’t move smoothly through it, which affects the overall experience of my game.



SpringBack (1/2):

I set up the door using basic Attachments, a hinge constraint and Springs. I’ve tried adjusting the properties of the Hinge and the Springs, but it still doesn’t work as intended. I’m not sure if it’s a problem with the physics settings or something else in my configuration.

file: DoorPy.rbxl (53.6 KB)

Thanks in advance for any tips or guidance you can offer! I really appreciate your help in resolving this issue.

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it chould be the springs change there freelenght

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Changing the freelength just made it worse for me… I turned on Custom Physical Props. and changed the density to 9. It’s a lot smoother now, but the player takes a bit too long to pass through.

What are the springs for? I would like to know

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There are three types of springs: Spring Holder and two Spring Backs (one for each side).

The Spring Holder simply keeps the door model attached to the frame. Both Spring Backs are located on opposite sides of the frame.

When the player opens the door, it will automatically close itself. If the door is opened from the left side, the right Spring Back will close it. Conversely, if the door is opened from the right side, the left Spring Back will close it.

Example without Springs:

This is from a door model I found on the toolbox. You should only use one spring and make the spring pull the door effectively to the center. Perhaps this is what you’re trying to achieve?


Thanks for the Help i will use that in the Future! I played arround with the Props of the Hinge and the Springs and got it working somehow :sweat_smile:

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