PhysicsSteppingMethod: Now Set to "Adaptive" as Default

Can’t you switch to the ‘Fixed’ mode manually?
Afaik that mode is the same as it was before this feature got released…

EDIT: I thought you had it set to fixed before, my bad I misread. Weird that it broke, but still setting it to fixed could help possibly :grinning:


I think the best approach is all new games should’ve been set to adaptive by default and all old games automatically get set to “Fixed” (and maybe notify about the change like how it was done with the new shorelines). What about old games without active developers? In the case of Kizmo imagine he wasn’t online the whole day his game would be broken and suffer player drops due to something out of his control.

tl;dr should’ve been handled like shorelines by notifying us and asking if we want to switch to the change instead of forcing it and potentially breaking games.


After this change was made, a lot of the servers in our game (Zeppelin Wars [ALPHA 0.75] - Roblox) broke and ROBLOX physics in general seemed a lot less performant and optimized.

Not really sure what the issue is. The game’s PhysicsSteppingMethod is set to Fixed as of now.



We are getting reports on “Physics not working the way it worked before”. Apologies for everyone who might be effected by this rather breaking change.

As we have been warning everyone for the last few months, we strongly advise to test your experience with the new stepping method, as simluation results with adaptive stepping (60hz/120hz/240hz) will differ from simulation results using full 240hz simulations.

If the resulting physics behavior does not satisfy your previous requirements, please set the PhysicsSteppingMethod to Fixed.


Thank you for breaking all legacy classic experiences, now people can noclip everywhere and jitter crazy!

Set this back to fixed on all my games, people could literally walk through the walls by running.


I don’t know if you know this but… every roblox game is broken now.
If anything, please revert it back.
A lot of people who created on this platform don’t play roblox anymore, and they can’t fix this issue with their game now.
This includes the “Obby” genre too. A lot of very hard obbies are broken and most creators of these obbies won’t be able to fix them.
Please revert this. You’ll do a lot for developers who don’t know how to fix this issue


Thanks for the best user experience, isn’t games broken now?


Thank you guys for this faithful update :skull:


I have an older game, that has code created in 2017 with the legacy body movers, and I am having no issues at all with physics.

and I have flying
custom swimming
morph swimming
morph climbing
morph flying
even pet riding
and pet swimming

its all working fine. o.o

This is the correct setting?


absolutely everything is working as intended…


Hey everyone, we were expecting some games to report behavior changes but it feels like we should listen to the community at this time and revert the change for now. Apologies for any disruption this might have caused.

The goal for us still remains to soon have the Default mode support adaptive physics stepping. Thus we strongly recommend that everyone tests out their experience using Adaptive for PhysicsSteppingMethod, and see if your game physics is satisfactory with the reduced frequency simulations (and kindly DM me any serious issues if possible).


Hey ZacktheMinion! Sorry for any disruptions this might have caused with your game. Do you have a repro or any descriptions you could share on how this change was breaking your, or other people’s obbies? This would help us tremendously :slight_smile:


This has still not been addressed


The situation isnt getting any better


i agree this update sucks and is so faithful i hate it


It finally got reversed. I hope the team does more work on R6 and fixes these problems!


yep i agree its a bad update i hate it aswell


This issue doesn’t seem to have been addressed


I’ve seen so much flame for this feature but for me I’ve never had a single issue with adaptive time stepping, I don’t think the issues people have shown in reply to this post are due to the update itself or “Roblox being broken” but rather the code those games use not being able to account for the varying time it takes to process physics or rendering each frame, which is already a problem even without this update, it’s just less pronounced.

I’m my opinion any good physics and or rendering game code should be able to account for it possibly taking longer or shorter amounts of time to process physics and rendering frames, because it already does vary every frame even if not by a lot when using fixed time stepping.

I do understand that old abandoned games can’t fix this but that isn’t really at the fault of Roblox as a platform but rather the developers, not saying they should break them, but still.

Note: I am NOT saying adaptive time stepping is flawless, I’m saying I haven’t had any issues with it since it came out, I am seemingly not the only one either.

I’m also not calling anyone a bad developer, please take this with a grain of salt.


Adding on to my previous post, I’m glad to see not everyone has ran into issues with this setting. However, there are certainly problems with it. Dropping a 1x1x1 part 10 studs above an anchored part shouldn’t cause it to clip inside.

An API allowing devs to control a specific part’s stepping rate would definitely be useful. As a developer, we generally know what a moving part will be used for and can find the appropriate stepping rate. On the other hand, no matter how advanced it may get, Roblox’s engine can only guess.

Place file:
Broken Physics.rbxl (43.2 KB)