Pick Up Dropped Tools With Proximity Prompts

About: Pick Up Dropped Tools With Proximity Prompts
I took a small break from one of my projects to make a simple script for you guys. It basically causes all dropped tools to use proximity prompts for pick up instead of the normal Handle hitbox thing.



  1. Get the model here: Dropped Tool Proximity Prompt - Roblox
  2. Put the model inside ServerScriptService or Workspace (Game Explorer > Workspace) or (Game Explorer > ServerScriptService)
  3. That’s it! When you play your game, dropped tools should behave like the ones above.

Changing Settings

  1. Go into the script, you should see a few lines at the top:
    -- SETTINGS --

    SET_OBJECT_TEXT_TO_TOOL_NAME = true --Sets the object text of the prompt to the tool's name
    SET_ACTION_TEXT_TO_TOOL_NAME = false --Sets the action text of the prompt to the tool's name
    NO_TOUCH_PICK_UP = true --Makes it so touching the tool doesn't pick up the tool
    All you need to do is change the value from “true” to “false” to change those settings.

Changing The Prompts

  1. When insert the script, you will notice there is a prompt inside it. This is the template prompt, and changes made to it affect the pickups’ prompts.

Last Bit
Let me know if you have any feedback! I hope some of you find this useful!


Cool, the post design looks good and so is the system

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Thank you very much for sharing this code. It’s always interesting to see how someone solves a particular problem. I found your code easy to follow and it gave me some ideas about my use of proximity prompts in other contexts, such as the following code from my egg hunt game:

for _, model in ipairs(workspace.HiddenEggs:GetChildren()) do
	local prompt = Instance.new("ProximityPrompt")
	local egg = model.Egg
	local location = model.Location
	prompt.ActionText = "Collect"
	prompt.ObjectText = tostring(egg.BrickColor) .. " egg"
	prompt.Parent = egg
		prompt.Enabled = false
		egg.Transparency = 1
		location.Material = Enum.Material.Plastic
		model.Parent = workspace.FoundEggs

So I just wanted to let you know that your contribution is much appreciated.

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bruh there are so many proximity prompt tool scripts but this one is way cleaner and doesnt require you to place a module inside of the tool. Very nice!

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8/10! I like it copies the Tool Tip when I drop it, very cool!

This… this is a work of art, such a perfect execution and clean structure to it, thank you so much!

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