Pick up system not working on characters, but working on everything else

  1. What do you want to achieve?

I’m trying to create a pick up system that lets players pick up items and other players.

  1. What is the issue?

The pick up system works for objects, however doesn’t work for players. Here is the script that is placed under each object and under each player:

clickDetector = script.Parent
holding = false
part = clickDetector.Parent
charHolding = nil

	local char = player.Character
	if holding == false and char.Holding.Value == false then
		local newWeld = Instance.new("Weld")
		newWeld.Part0 = part
		newWeld.Part1 = char.HoldPartPositionHolder
		newWeld.Parent = part
		newWeld.Name = "Weld"
		part.Position = char.HoldPartPositionHolder.Position
		holding = true
		char.Holding.Value = true
		charHolding = char
	else if holding == true then
		local newThing = Instance.new("Weld")
		newThing.Name = "Weld"
		newThing.Parent = part
		holding = false
		charHolding.Holding.Value = false

The script doesn’t error, it just does nothing when I click the player. Here’s the hierarchy for the player:

Any help would be appreciated!


There is a syntax error in this code.

Instead of “else if”, the correct syntax is “elseif”.

The corrected code is:

clickDetector = script.Parent
holding = false
part = clickDetector.Parent
charHolding = nil

	local char = player.Character
	if holding == false and char.Holding.Value == false then
		local newWeld = Instance.new("Weld")
		newWeld.Part0 = part
		newWeld.Part1 = char.HoldPartPositionHolder
		newWeld.Parent = part
		newWeld.Name = "Weld"
		part.Position = char.HoldPartPositionHolder.Position
		holding = true
		char.Holding.Value = true
		charHolding = char
	elseif holding == true then
		local newThing = Instance.new("Weld")
		newThing.Name = "Weld"
		newThing.Parent = part
		holding = false
		charHolding.Holding.Value = false

It never errored in the first place, but I put your code in and it still didn’t work.

You try to have the Value of a inexistant instance.
You want Hitbox.Holding, right?
There is the solution:

clickDetector = script.Parent
holding = false
part = clickDetector.Parent
charHolding = nil


	local char = player.Character

	if holding == false and char.Hitbox.Holding.Value == false then

		local newWeld = Instance.new("Weld")
		newWeld.Part0 = part
		newWeld.Part1 = char.HoldPartPositionHolder
		newWeld.Parent = part
		newWeld.Name = "Weld"
		part.Position = char.HoldPartPositionHolder.Position
		holding = true
		char.Hitbox.Holding.Value = true
		charHolding = char

	else if holding == true then

			local newThing = Instance.new("Weld")
			newThing.Name = "Weld"
			newThing.Parent = part
			holding = false
			charHolding.Hitbox.Holding.Value = false




I put the new code in and it doesn’t error, but it also doesn’t work.

I solved the issue of not being able to pick up the NPC character, the code worked. The problem was that I had not welded the hitbox to the torso. Thanks for helping though!

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I was going to say it XDDDDD :smile:.

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Thank you!

Love that you’re returning the solution to the dev forum as people will have the same issue and find the solution here! +1

No problem! I’ve found old devforum posts helpful in the past also.

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