Picking an admin system for my SCP Foundation game

So Hello. I am an Administrator of one SCP Foundation and I want to ask you guys what admin do you prefer? Please do not write : Cmdr or Adonis or Kohl or basic admin. They are bad for using it as I wanted. Do anyone have other propositions?


Why don’t you make your own?
You probably don’t need admin.

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Other than Adonis or Kohl, I can suggest HD admin. However, best way would be making your own if you can actually afford it.


what do you need to do with your admin commands?

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I would recommend you to create your own commands. Because if you put into your game e.g. HD admin so someone can buy Donor admin. So you better create your own commands.


It doesn’t really matter that much to be honest. Our opinions don’t mean much here, just pick whatever you like. The SCP I lead development for uses Cmdr and grants a limited range of commands that are also integrated into game systems. Commands are purely for game moderation. Other admin types have too much bulk and nonsense commands that detract from providing an authentic experience that sets us aside from the rest of the SCP groups out there.

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Best idea is to just make your own then as there isn’t many good admins out there. I myself have been working on a panel for my IncoSystem (similar to Source) as most admins have backdoors/viruses.

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Suggest Basic Admin Essentials, the UI is good and is straight forward.

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Guys, read before suggesting! Please. I said no BAE but I decided to use it again. About Cmdr @colbert2677 . I had Cmdr but I couldn’t set up it. Their tutorial is so weird for me.

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I don’t exactly see what the issue is with these other systems. Sounds like you might just need to develop your own.

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SimpleAdmin | A modern administration utility for your game! Great admin system


I would make your own there are lots of admins that have abusable commands make your own it’s better like that :+1:

  • Sav

If you take @justhatsav’s suggestion and are interested in making your own admin system but don’t want to take the time to write out a whole framework, I would definitely recommend SimpleAdmin. It’s extremely expandable, updated frequently, and there’s a load of community-made packages that you can use to add features/commands to your system. Adding onto what @colbert2677 said about admin systems having a lot of useless bulk features, SimpleAdmin is focused mostly on utility and moderation, and allows you to add extra features with the packages I mentioned earlier. SimpleAdmin also has a great 24/7 staff team that can help you with pretty much any issue you could possibly have with the system.

If you really want expandability, you can use SimpleAdmin Pro, which lets you control your game from a Discord bot or from your own web application via some HTTP requests. There’s also an online dashboard coming soon…

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me! :slight_smile:


Vouching for SimpleAdmin, quite literally the best admin system out there. After switching, I could never use anything else!


Oooo I’m going to use SimpleAdmin Pro looks epic thanks.

  • Sav

You got the

Guten Morgen Herr Frank

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