i have this function where it will calculate the angle and its speed needed to get to the target
function Static:MoveTo(target: Vector3)
local diff = (target - self.FVector.Position).Unit
local dist = (target - self.FVector.Position).Magnitude
local dot = diff:Dot(self.FVector.CFrame.LookVector)
local angle = math.deg(math.acos(dot)) - 90
angle = angle > 90 and 90 - angle or angle
self.constraints.Right.TargetAngle = angle
self.constraints.Left.TargetAngle = angle
local speed = self.MAX_SPEED
if dist < self.DECELERATION_DIST then
speed = self.MAX_SPEED * (dist / self.DECELERATION_DIST)
self.constraints.RR.AngularVelocity = -speed
self.constraints.RL.AngularVelocity = -speed
self.constraints.FR.AngularVelocity = -speed
self.constraints.FL.AngularVelocity = -speed
and it’s not behaving as good as i expected. I heard about PID controller, and then I wrote this module
local Controller = {
constants = {
Kp = 1;
Ki = .1;
Kd = .1;
process = Vector3.zero;
integral = Vector3.zero;
derivative = Vector3.zero;
prev_error = Vector3.zero
function Controller:update(setpoint: Vector3, dt)
local err = setpoint - self.process
local err_mag = err.Magnitude
self.integral += err * dt
self.derivative = (err - self.prev_error) / dt
local output = self.constants.Kp * err + self.constants.Ki * self.integral + self.constants.Kd * self.derivative
self.process += output * dt
self.prev_err = err
return Controller
how would i implement the PID controller to the function?