Piggy-backing players?

How would I create a system for one player to piggyback another player?

My main issue is that I don’t know how to get the player onto the back of the other player and have them stay there until they leave. Would I use welds or attachments or something?

Again, I know how to do all the blabla stuff about requesting to go on the back and leaving etc - it is the physical being on the back that I don’t know. All help is appreciated, thanks!

Yeah you’re on the right track. You’ll probably want to weld the player’s HumanoidRootPart (the one that should be on the back) to the HumanoidRootPart of the other player (the one that’s essentially holding the first player). Throw some animations/poses into the mix and you’ll be golden.

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That would not work. Welding a player to another player will cause huge problems.

Why would you revive a two month old dead thread just to say “that wouldn’t work” and not provide any worthwhile information or even an argument to back up your claim?

Sure there might be complications with that method, so if you’ve got something better we’d love to hear it.

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ChiefWildin, I did give an explaination.

Welding a player to another player will cause problems.

The reason this will happen is because there are two humanoid interlapping into one whole character.
Most of the things that will happen is the target player will get stuck in the ground and spas out.

I would reccomend you use RunService.Hearbeat to move the character to the right CFrame. This is much more efficient and no need to use Remote Events.

ChiefWildin, I think it was a bit rude you come after me as I was just trying to help. Welding a character to another character is not “golden” and will lead to all sorts of issues.

Welding the player can still be done. You just need to make sure you set the NetworkOwnerships appropriately, and set PlatformStand to true on the humanoid being carried.
Also setting the CFrame of the character every frame wouldn’t really work, because the position of the target character will be different depending on whether you do it on the client or the server. There would be a large gap between the two characters.

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