Pin mistake, Display Name doesn't require PIN

If you notice, changing anything in your settings such as username, password, Email require PIN. except for Display Names.

I’m not sure if it has been forgotten or a mistake but it needs to be fixed.
ANY OTHER OPTION VVVV (username, password, etc)


We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue and will start investigating, we will update you when we have further information.

Thanks for flagging!


Aw man now I won’t be able to change my display name! Stupid forgotten pin… honestly didn’t even know this was a bug.

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Wait, why do you need a pin for display names? It’s not really the end of the world if someone changes you display name, you can change it right back.

You cannot change your about me without a pin.

Just in case you get hacked, the person who hacked you can easily set your display name to something inappropriate to get your account locked/banned, same with your “about me”! :smiley:

Just trying to protect roblox players! :smile:

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What about verified users such as myself? I will lose my checkmark if I dare to touch the display name option!
This is a major flaw that they do not lock it behind the pin. This must be patched quickly for verified users to keep their secure status. Losing my checkmark would mean many impersonators can easily sneak through.


You can always email Roblox to reset your forgotten pin.

Verified users should not be using the PIN in the first place since Roblox has made it really clear that the account PIN is a parental control feature in the past and you may not be able to access the services entirely as a >13 account would (without a PIN) if you retain the feature on.

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It is still a very basic security feature and it doesn’t change the fact that I can have it and be verified. Heck, my account is still considered verified even with the account pin

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Hey @ovftl - thanks a lot for this feedback. This seems more like a feature request to me. Would you mind filing one? I’m sure people would love to hear about this. You can do that here

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