Pin number required for purchases

This would be such a good idea in my opinion.

You could turn on the ability to have parent pin (or just a regular pin) whenever someone tries to say, buy a donation t shirt, if you were hacked, for example. They would have to know your pin in order to transfer the robux or whatever. I don’t think it would be needed on limiteds though, as even though people can still buy them, you can turn trades off and have it pin protected.

I feel like this is a very important update in order for us to keep our accounts safe.


Not to be blunt… Isn’t that the point of the password to the account?


But what if someone bypasses through it?

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They should make a new password…
If someone is able to steal another person’s password, then they’ll be able to steal the pin as well.

I’m not sure if this is the problem worth solving. I’d look at the bigger picture

If they are able to steal the password, then surely there should be backup alternatives?

Let’s try an exercise

How come no one has ever logged into my account vs LilJohnnyRockstars account when I’ve had my account for 9 years and Johnny has had his account for 5 months before someone took over his account? We both have BC and someone would benefit from stealing our passwords. What’s the difference between our accounts that enables his to be taken? Solve that and you’ll be closer to the root of the problem

What you’re proposing is another layer of 2 auth tokens that we already have enabled

No parent cares about their kids virtual money. Just sayin’.

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I meant it as in for us as developers or people with money, not in the parents terms

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What? If I pay money for my kid to get robux I don’t want to hear that they got it stolen.

Regarding a parent pin for devs; we have 2FA. No matter how many additional (opt-in) security steps we have people will always have their stuff stolen because they don’t care about security. They’ll leave 2FA off and use the same passwords.

If you want to secure your stuff then simply turn on 2FA and use a different password for roblox and your email.


Obvious exception if they bought ROBUX. I just think the ratio of paying parents vs non paying is in favor of the latter.

The only people who have virtual money (aka robux) are developers who earned it or players who bought it with real money. 99.99% of users are not profiting developers so I’m not sure I’d call this an exception.

I completely disagree with this idea. If this started, some parents would either

  • Question their children as to the usefulness of any purchase, which in the eyes of a parent, is practically none. The purchase rate of all children would plummet downwards, and that’s not good for Roblox nor developers.

  • Be unwilling or unavailable to enter the pin for purchases, some or all of the time, and effectively prevent the child from ever spending Robux.

Also if you’re a developer who wants to protect your account use two-factor authentication. Once they are in your account it really doesn’t matter what they are buying, they are able to do an array of other things to it as it is.

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The main query for this idea was if the person was hacked, as in, having a person have full control of their account. 2SV is still not 100% secure.

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That’s not what the parent pin is designed for. It has absolutely nothing to do with account security. I think this suggestion would do far more harm through the actions of parents than help in the very few cases where someone who gets hacked has purchases disabled without parent pin.

Just imagine playing games, and imagine having to go ask your parent every time you want to make a micro-purchase, or buy a new clothing asset, or game pass. Or to send a trade for that matter. I think this would have major negative ramifications on the economy and would have very little positive impact.

lol well thats -50% revenue right there

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I didn’t mean it in a parent pin, I meant it as a passcode that only you know, could be your password, could be a pin number.

Fixed title

Maybe we could add an account setting that requires you to re-enter your password when you make a purchase. Or have a maximum amount of Robux you can spend per day and to spend over that amount you have to enter your password.

This gets really complicated when you take into account all the ways you can transfer monetary value (in-game, group payouts, trades) so I’m not sure it’s even worth implementing.


in game wouldn’t work unless UIS is turned off otherwise you could just keylog their password and send it off to a discord channel or whatever :confused:

Similar post from ages ago: Transaction PIN