Pinewood Builders Security Team Handbook 3/17/19

PBST Handbook 2.0

Please read through all of the rules very carefully. Any changes to the rules will be made clear. The rules have been categorized into who they apply to, however some rules may apply to more than one group of PBST members, in which case it will be made clear. Punishments for breaking a rule depend on what rule and the severity. Punishments can range from a simple warning, demotion, or even blacklist from PBST. Click on a list to see the rules within that category.
Last Modification of Rules: 7/5/19

All PBST Officers

(ST. 1) All PBST Members must abide by all ROBLOX Community Rules, which can be found here:

(ST. 2) We are not at war with Innovation, so please do not ā€œraidā€ Innovation Games.

(ST. 3) As an Officer of PBST, you must keep the core stable, meaning you canā€™t melt or freeze the core. If you need help, you can refer to this chart to help you: (Credit to TenX29 for the chart.)

(ST. 4) You, as a PBST Officer, are not permitted to become a mutant. Mutants, including any PBST Officers who are mutants, are always Kill on Sight (KoS).

(ST. 5) Officers must give two warnings to a visitor before killing them. After a visitor is killed, they only have to be warned once to be killed again. If a visitor is armed, attacking you or another security officer, or blocking a room, they do not need a warning to be killed.

(ST. 6) You may not abuse the weapons you receive, and any PBST Officers that use OP Weapons in their duties must follow PBST Rules instead of OP Rules. ā€˜PBST Weapon Abuseā€™ is classified as attacking without reason, mass random killing (RK), and spawn-killing (SK).

(ST. 7) Always respect your superiors and follow their orders.

(ST.8) Always put visitorsā€™ lives before yours and always evacuate visitors first.

(ST.9) Official uniforms are mandatory at any official Pinewood Builders facility, and custom uniforms are not allowed unless they are made official. Official uniforms can be found here:!/store

(ST. 10) You may not give weapons to people unless authorized by a high rank.

(ST. 11) Going off-duty is permitted, however once off-duty, you canā€™t get any PBST related gear or uniforms. If there is a raid that is about to happen, you must choose a team before the raid, and may not go off-duty during said raid. Changing teams midway through the raid is not permitted. PBST Officers may not wear PET Suits while on-duty.

(ST. 12) Do not ask for free points or ranks.


(TE. 1) Trainees must be open to criticism from other members.


Required Point Amount for Tier 1: 100
Required Point Amount for Tier 2: 250
Required Point Amount for Tier 3: 500

(TR. 1) Tiers are a role model for Trainees and will receive more severe punishments for breaking a handbook rule than trainees.

(TR. 2) Tiers have access to the !report command at many PB Facilities. Please use this command appropriately, otherwise there may be punishments.

(TR. 3) As a Tier, you may be selected to assist at a training. As a result, you will be granted temporary admin powers which are strictly for that specific training. Abuse of these powers will result in severe punishment.

(TR. 4) Tiers may not let anyone below their rank into the Tier only rooms.

Special Defense

Required Point Amount: 800

(SD. 1) Special Defense is trusted with moderator powers at PBST training facilities. Abuse these and a severe punishment will be swiftly carried out.

(SD. 2) Special Defense are exempt from rule (ST. 9).

(SD. 3) SD must get permission from a Trainer to host a training, and must notify the same Trainer of any changes they are making to the training.

(SD. 4) SD must abide by the 2 hour training policy, in which you canā€™t host a training 1 hour after a previous training. Mega trainings donā€™t fall under the 2 hour policy, however please do leave at least 30 minutes before the Mega training so everyone can get there in time.

(SD. 5) It is highly recommended that Special Defense have Discord.


(TN. 1) Trainers are exempt from all (ST) rules except (ST. 1).

(TN. 2) Trainers must also abide by the 2 hour training policy.

(TN. 3) Trainers can override anything done by SD.

(TN. 4) Trainers are required to have Discord.

Handbook written by Unsayableorc, reviewed and revised by the Trainers and HoS of Pinewood Builders Security Team.


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