Ping spiking when teleporting

i have no idea why this is happening but every time i teleport in my game the ping spikes and everyone in game lags for a second


in the video you can see the lag when i first move and when i get to the place i teleport to

the script creates parts and tweens them to create a sort of bounce effect so it could be that, however i’ve had no issues with it in other games

it could also be due to the new map we recently got, it has a lot of parts and meshes

any help is appreciated

It’s hard to know the exact issue without seeing the script, however you mention you’re using TweenService on what I assume to be the server as you mention it lags for the entire server. TweenService is quite taxing on the server and usually it lags for me even for remedial tweens which is why I try my best to mitigate TweenService on the server by doing it on the client, although I’m unsure if that’s the exact issue in your case.

Is what you’re doing possible on the client?

i am already doing the tween on the client

however it could be this

im doing

server → client → server

server for effects, client for tweens, back to server for teleporting