Pings increase continuously on my own game and does not happen to others

I was making my gun system nearly done. For sure it’s not happen on studio, but happens on the game itself.

Picure of the average ping

Picture of Script activity or something

I used some of game:GetService(“Debris”) to fix the problem too, use raycast to find hit instead of creating a bullet and move into direction. None of them fix this problem for me. And I don’t think it’s memory leak or it could be. My internet is working fine as always. This happen when i join the game.
Any help is appreciated!

Whenever the ping goes up continuously at a fairly stable rate, I assume there’s a pretty good chance that it is a memory leak.

Just to check though, can you please:

  1. Open the developer console (F9)
  2. Change it to the memory menu
  3. Change client to server
  4. Reply back with the memory usage after 1 minute, 2 minutes, etc. (or other time intervals which allows enough time for the server to do stuff)
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Can you check this? (This one is on sever side + I don’t know how to read them)

Also in client (Sorry for late reply. I didn’t have notification on or didn’t check the page)