Rules and Guidelines
Rule 1: No Exploiting
Do not use hacks, glitches, or third-party tools to gain an unfair advantage. It ruins the experience for everyone and will result in consequences.
Rule 2: Be Respectful in Chat
Always communicate respectfully in chat. Harassment, excessive negativity, or toxic behavior is not allowed, and everyone should feel welcome.
Rule 3: No Spamming
Avoid filling the chat with repetitive messages, commands, or irrelevant text. Let’s keep the chat clear and useful for players to communicate.
Rule 4: Follow Roblox Terms
Abide by Roblox’s official Terms of Use and Community Standards while playing. Staying within these guidelines helps keep the game safe and fair.
Rule 5: Keep Personal Info Private
Never share real-life details like your (or others) name, address, or phone number. Your safety is the top priority.
Rule 6: Family-Friendly Content
Ensure all usernames, clan names, and chat messages are appropriate for all ages. Inappropriate content will not be tolerated.
Rule 7: Listen to Moderators
Follow the instructions of moderators or admins. They’re here to ensure the game remains safe and enjoyable for everyone.
Rule 7.1: Do Not Argue with Moderators
Please do not argue with moderators. They are not here to have a discussion about your punishment, they are here to keep the game safe for all.
Rule 7.2: Do Not Impersonate any Moderators
Do not impersonate other moderators. This also applies to saying “I am the alt (alternate) account of a moderator.”
Rule 8: No Scamming
Always be honest in trades and interactions. Scamming, tricking, or deceiving others is strictly forbidden.
Rule 8.1: Do not bait
Do not bait other users into breaking rules. For example, saying “pretend to be a moderator!” or “say a bad word!” is prohibited.
Rule 9: No Automatic Behaviour
Avoid using external tools, macros, or bots that alter how the game is played. Play the game as intended to keep it fair for all.
Please follow these rules at all times. Moderators will punish you fairly if you do not adhere to them.