Pipe Creator Plugin

Pipe Creator

Pipe Creator


this plugin allows you to easily Create and Edit pipe properties with a few clicks of a button

short demo: Pipe Creator Tutorial - YouTube

why would you need this plugin? simple really, if you have ever wanted to lay pipes but hated how long it took and how fiddley it was then you should get this.

available here: https://create.roblox.com/marketplace/asset/13170349296


I would rather use F3X than this. It will allow for a lot more flexiblity than just clicking around on a baseplate with little to no control of how it is aligned.


I don’t see a point of this, I would do like what @bluebxrrybot do, also it’s 150 :robux_gold: and not everyone have that amount


No offense, but I find this plugin kind of useless because of an already better-looking and quick pipe placer plugin.

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I saw this after making the plugin

(Extreme emotional damage + oof)

Don’t worry! You can still make it better, try adding a few things to it, like different types of pipes, or maybe being able to create preset pipes which you can upload on a “Marketplace”

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