"Pirate Island" Place Template ships don’t drive

The ship on the default Pirate Island template is not driveable/sail-able.

I’ve tried messing around with Terrain CustomPhysicalProperties.
I’ve tried messing around with Gravlity (even setting gravity to 0).
Still can’t drive it.


You can reproduce this pretty easily by creating a new game with the Pirate Island template.

What I know:

All the ship parts get unanchored when the game runs
for i,v in pairs(workspace.Cutter:GetDescendants()) do 
  if v:IsA('BasePart') then 
No errors in the code.

I did CTRL+Shift+F and searched for “pcall” to find that the only script using pcalls is the module found under workspace.Cutter.qShipManager.Type.
I overwrote the pcall function like this:

function pcall(fun)

still no errors when ran

What I suspect:

  1. Something hacky broke
  2. Some strange update to physics.

@Quenty might have some idea

If you guys decide to redo it, could you maybe use code that’s not 1000 lines long for the mechanics?
A template is supposed to be for new users, it doesn’t make sense to have something too hard to understand or complicated.

Or better yet, use MINE :stuck_out_tongue:
I wrote my own mechanics for the ship.
The mechanics use qPerfectionWeld by @Quenty and RotatedRegion3 by @EgoMoose
The driving script took less than 50 lines of code.
I also have a Characters-Dont-Slip-Off mechanic that makes sure players and NPCs don’t fall off the ship.
It works pretty well.
You can grab it here:

Also mobile compatible :^)

Everything works fine, but I made this ship before I knew VehicleSeats had built in stuff for controls.
Lemme know if you want something that uses VehicleSeats’ properties instead of Humanoid properties.


Huh, yeah, I wrote that code 7 years ago, so stuff has changed since then. I’ll see if I have time to fix this up.


It’s very possible that it’s caused by the same issue from this thread:

A bunch of weld scripts suddenly broke after an update 2 days ago because JointsService is deprecated. The scripts created welds between parts before unachoring. The welds were parented to JointsService. To fix, just parent the welds to something else like the part itself.

Disregard, that’s not the problem. I think I misread what the OP wrote - obviously the ship is supposed to be unanchored. Welds still work; I also checked the code and it doesn’t use JointsService so all good there!


Thanks for the report! We’ve filed this internally and we’ll follow up here when we have an update for you.


I am in the process of checking over bug reports and following up on some bugs that haven’t received any activity in a while.
Is this issue still occurring or can you confirm that this bug has been resolved?


The bug has not been fixed.
Still the same old broken undrivable pirate ship.

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THanks for the info. When i have any updates i will pass them on.