Pirate Island/Abandoned Monastery (Build)

Hey all,

@Infinite_Visions here. I am working on my game High Seas (the latest Devlog can be found here ). I like this build :upside_down_face:

My newest addition, Pirate Hideaway, is an abandoned monastery. Now riddled with skulls, pieces of wrecked ships, and outfitted to resist the armada, it provides stoic residence to all sorts of rather grim characters.

I’d like feedback on my builds - is it creative, fine looking, and interesting? Thank you!


  • Amazing Build
  • Fine Build
  • Bad Build
  • Terrible Build

0 voters


This looks wonderful! I like it!

What you can improve:

  • Add some textures to parts, for example the wall.

  • This looks very pixelated. Make sure you have level 21 in Studio Settings > Rendering and don’t enable Depth of Field in lightings.

I hope I helped you. :happy2:


This is just my computer, it can’t handle high rendering levels (my pc is garbage).

Thank you for your feedback!

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I like it a lot. It would look even better if u added texture to the walls :slight_smile:

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Thank you for the feedback! I’ll be sure to add textures. What type of textures are you thinking @Shirunen and @BoredPersonSadFace?

I’m extremely sorry for the late reply.

Oh, in that case, it’s alright! It’s not your fault that your PC can’t handle high rendering levels. :upside_down_face:

I thought of textures like these:

(With a different color of course, and ignore the wood floor)

But it’s up to you! You don’t have to add them. :slight_smile:

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