This is both a coding and design question I think.
I’d like to angle the player’s Camera (the pitch specifically) for ease of platforming, but I’m not sure what the best course of action is for this system. Should it be running all the time, meaning that the camera auto-adjusts whenever the angle isn’t at the angle I’d want it so be?
- I say no because I want players to have the ability to move their camera without the camera ‘fighting back’.
- Right now, the camera only changes angles when the CFrame hasn’t changed in the last 5 seconds, so when the player is idle for that long. This mimics the camera in Spyro’s Reignited Triology camera:
Roblox’s Follow camera type covers the horizontal side of things, but not the pitch/vertical. My current system for pitching the camera could be less intrusive on the players. And, I think Roblox’s Follow camera does a great job at this.
- I’m looking at Roblox’s CameraModule scripts, specifically the ClassicCamera Script, to see what makes that a ‘good’ implementation. This is probably a key part of it :
-- Reset tween speed if user is panning
if CameraInput.getRotation() ~= then
tweenSpeed = 0
self.lastUserPanCamera = tick()
- I’m having trouble understanding the system as a whole, and how to use it for my system, but I’m trying to dissect to. Shot in the dark, but maybe @AllYourBlox can jump in with thoughts.
Here’s the code I have currently (it is located under StarterPlayerScripts):
click to open
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local checkDebounce = false
local playerHasPitchAngleControlEnabled = true
local lastCameraCFrame
local pitchAngleNumber = math.rad(-15)
local cameraIsInNormalMode = false
local count = 0
local camera = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
local run
local function moveCameraFunc()
local countForMovingCamera = 0
run = RunService.PostSimulation:Connect(function(deltaTime)
local x,y,z = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame:ToEulerAnglesXYZ()
local goal = CFrame.Angles(pitchAngleNumber,y,z)
camera.CFrame = camera.CFrame:Lerp(goal,0.05)
countForMovingCamera = countForMovingCamera + 1
if countForMovingCamera >= 100 then
local function checkMovementOfCameraFunc()
while checkDebounce == true do
-- check if camera is already at the angle that we want to set it to
-- if it's already at the angle, then no need to set it?
if lastCameraCFrame == nil then
lastCameraCFrame = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame
if game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame == lastCameraCFrame then
count = count + 1
if count == 5 then
-- waited 5 seconds
print("camera CFrame has been the same for 5 seconds!")
count = 0
lastCameraCFrame = nil
--checkDebounce = false
--print("camera CFrame is different")
lastCameraCFrame = nil
count = 0
cameraIsInNormalMode = toggleState
checkDebounce = toggleState
if cameraIsInNormalMode == true then
Video of what I have so far:
Ultimately, I’d like to make a good camera system for my 3d platformer. I’d say that means keeping the pitch/angle of the camera at an angle where the player can be comfortable platforming/moving in 3d space. Also, I’ll have an option to toggle the automatic pitch changing.