Pivot isn't working

Hello, I encountered this problem again about 6 months ago, but I don’t know the solution. If anyone has any information on this subject, I’d appreciate it. Is this a bug or a problem with my settings?

Expected Behavior: Now when pivot is set, the motion tips are aligned to the set location.
Issue: Alignments are reset when trying to move the model after adjusting the Pivot.

I think this is normal behaviour, in that the pivot can be edited relative to the model/part.
Depending on how elements are grouped in a model it can be beneficial to set the primary part’s pivot point to better reflect the model rather than the part. It also allows a part’s default position to be set differently, meaning if cloning and spawning parts into the workspace, CFrame orientations and/or positions don’t need to be set each time.

Try to press cntrl(contrl) + L