Pivot Points - Studio Beta

I wish you could be able to change the pivot point for multiple selected parts.

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we should be able to enable/disable pivot points when this fully releases because there are few problems which make building harder when rotating more than 2 parts
multiple parts with pivots enabled

multiple parts with pivots disabled

i was only able to revert the change by unchecking pivot points from beta features.
while this update is helpful for many developers, it would be better if it could be turned off/on, because now it will be harder to rotate/move 2 or more parts since all parts will use the last selected part’s pivot for rotation and movement.

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We’ve heard the feedback on this and are going to be changing it to rotate around the bounding box center when you have a multi-selection.


please learn from f3x make it a button press then a snap to with a sphere showing where your snapping to instead of a constant overbearing amount of spheres

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i agree with this a lot! i’m also disabling this beta because overall it feels really awkward for me when in most cases, i don’t need it. i don’t want to constantly edit EVERY pivot just to rotate or move something along its edges.

Hi, thanks for the feedback! And could you please provide more details about why you want to use global movement and rotation when editing Pivots? Is there any example you could share?

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The use case that I had in mind for global pivot editing involves creating circles. It seems natural to build circles by placing the pivot at the center of the circle and rotating around it.

However, if I wanted to build this circle with the parts tilted, it is difficult without trigonometry or code to place the pivot at the desired center of the circle. Here is me just guessing at it to illustrate the point.

This leads to needing a temporary part to act as the pivot, which is a clunkier work flow for something that pivots seem precisely designed for.

If this issue were addressed, I would be able to build precise circles without resorting to a less convenient technique.


Thanks for the detailed reply.

You can already accomplish this by turning pivot snapping off and freeform dragging the pivot onto the baseplate to get it oriented the way you want. Dragging it in that way doesn’t let you move it precisely (though grid snap will apply, so it may be precise enough), but if you need precise movement then axis moving it probably won’t get it exactly where you need it to be either.

Also, did you have some particular behavior in mind for it when in world space mode? Because I don’t think it simply respecting world space mode is enough to solve the problem in the way you want: The pivot will still be rotated out of the plane you want it in to begin with, and unless the angle it’s rotated to is a precise angle, even world space rotation won’t be able to get it back in the plane of rotation you want.

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When will this feature be released? Any estimated release date?

Likely a couple months still before we do a rollout of the studio features, though the scripting API may be turned on fairly soon (so that you can start using PivotTo / GetPivot in live games).

We’re currently experimenting with ways to address the feedback we’ve gotten so far, so we’ll have to complete those changes and get another round of feedback after we release them.


You probably haven’t heard about it, but there is an option to ‘Use World Space’ which does exactly what you described. Just right click on the workspace, and select the option.

nice hat btw :wink:

Screenshot_4943 I’ve got a part selected in the workspace and enabled it in beta tools yet it is still greyed out, why is this?

Are you in team create? As the post notes the feature isn’t available in team create yet.

I’m not in team create, no, its my own game which i don’t trust anyone with
edit: yes it is enabled for my alt

Beta Feature is Enabled and you’ve re-opened studio?

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it’s working on a local file and yes, it is enabled and i have reopened (or reconnected) to studio

Will there be an option to disable those dots that show pivot point location on each part selected?

Also a bit unrelated question, but are there any plans to make the attachment .Visible green sphere act and look like the pivot points dots? Because when I work with very small models and I want to precisely set the attachment position and orientation it’s just pain to do because the green sphere literally covers half of my small model.

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Currently pivot points do not maintain offset when adjusting a part size by using the properties window or when changing the size through scripts. Will this be supported in the future? As of now I have to reposition the pivot every time I adjust a part size from the properties window and through script.

We’re still deciding on this. We currently don’t plan to provide an option, but are going to pull things back a bit and only show the pivot indicator when you have the Move, Scale, or Rotate tool selected (3rd party plugins will also have an API to show it if they want). We’ll see how the feedback looks with that change, and if enough people are still unhappy then we would have to provide an option.

There’s already a solution for this: If you look in the Constraints section of the ribbon bar, there’s a “Scale” spinbox that lets you set the scale of all of the constraint widgets (attachments, bones, etc) to best match the scale of stuff you’re working on.

The raw Size property will definitely never support this, however, we may end up introducing a dedicated API method to scale composite objects via scripting (the object and all descendant parts, constraints, attachments, pivots, etc related to it) in the foreseeable future.


I have one question, with this update in play, will we be able to switch back to the normal moving? Because with the pivot points the arrows are right next to the point, instead of on the outside edge of the part. This can be annoying and tedious to work with bigger parts, especially when you want to move it over very precisely, you would have to keep the arrows on your screen, and be at the middle of the part, when the ends of the part are 300+ studs away.