Pivot Points - Studio Beta

You will not see any changes to the tooling yet unless you explicitly opt into the beta.

This is why the Pivot Editor is still remaining in beta, we want to arrive at a solution that developers are happy with before we force people to start using the modified tools. We believe we have an elegant solution that will address the concerns with the movement handle placement, which we’ll be updating the beta with next month.


Ok great thanks, sounds very good!

As others have pointed out, having handles align where the pivot point makes it harder for me to move some parts in my opinion, Would be nice to have some sort of feature to toggle the handles between being around the pivot and being around the entire part.
Things like aligning large parts together is made a lot harder compared to the old system as it is very sensitive to mouse movement.

Other then this major issue for me I think pivot points would be a really good upgrade to studio.


We’re not planning to do this, but we have a different solution to this problem coming a couple weeks from now that we think people will like even better.

EDIT: This solution had to be delayed a week, currently hoping to release it on the 10th.


That would be useful especially as I see you’re building the new sl map. (Plz make tutorial :joy:)

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This feels like blenders edit mode.

This is a life savor. I love it so much, one problem though. It would be nice if we could change the position and rotations relation, local and global. You got that feature with the move tool and rotation tool - when you press Ctrl + L - but not with the Pivot Editor.




What’s your use case for this? We’ve seen this feedback item a couple of times before, but it’s not clear what exact behavior is desired here:

In the pivot editor, the handles are the object effectively. So suppose that you hit Ctrl + L, would you expect it to set the pivot to the world-based orientation that the handles are now showing? If not, you now can’t see what orientation the pivot is currently in, because that’s normally shown by the orientation of the handles.

Because of the above I didn’t think that there was a non-confusing way to integrate the state of the Local/World space toggle into the Pivot Editor.


Yes, the pivot would be set to the world orientation as well as movement. It would be a nice feature to position things quicker. The orientation of the pivot would be based on the orientation of the handle if it were local.

Sorry if I don’t seem clear enough.

Nevermind, I’ve just realised that I could’ve just rotated the pivot point to achieve the same effect. Would still be nice so I don’t have to go back and forth.

Updated the draggers to treat the pivot of a multi-selection as the center of the bounding box rather than the pivot of the last selected object.

Many more changes are coming soon, though we still have to put the finishing touches on them.


The PrimaryPart of characters has always been the Head. Is this behavior changing?

Are you thinking of the default Camera Focus (which is equal and will remain equal to the Head’s CFrame)? Because the PrimaryPart is the HumanoidRootPart by default:


Love this update so far, I use it for a few things already such being my vehicle spawner. I set the PivotPoint at the very mid-bottom of the vehicle and that’s how it spawns, Works like an absolute charm.

Beautiful update :slight_smile:

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Didn’t know R15 characters had HRP as the PrimaryPart. The more you know.

Any way you could add a hotkey that isn’t painful to use for the pivot editor tool? At least until someone makes a streamlined plugin for it that does it better like everything else?

You’ll probably really like what we’re going to release next week, hold tight!


It seems like something with pivot points has broken. When I select multiple objects, they will pivot around the combined origin of the objects instead of the pivot point of the last thing selected. Not sure if this is happening to anyone else or not.

This was an intentional change, will be announced in the next big update post this Thursday, and there was a brief announcement of it when I first enabled the change a few posts above.


Will this become a toggle-able feature in the update on Thursday? This sort of killed everything I used the pivot points for.