Pivot Points - Studio Beta

Just turned on a big set of changes, expect a new announcement post with details on those changes by end of day if we don’t run into any issues and have to revert.

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Was a feature to toggle the new change for multi part selections like I mentioned yesterday added? I spent the entire night trying to find a way to reinstate it myself and wrecked studio like 4 times in the process. This feature was a big help in my builds where I pose characters where each segment of their bodies are multiple parts, and being able to rotate their body parts around realistic pivot points made it a million times more convenient, without all of the complexity and trial and error of a rigging plugin. The loss of this feature for my workflow feels like a trip back to the dark ages.

If you know how to set FastFlags, FFlagMultiSelectionPivot is the one that controls that behavior.

We’ll take the feedback into consideration, it may be possible for us to add an option to choose between the behaviors.

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Did you end up running into issues - just curious ig.

It seems like there’s an issue for users in Chinese locale, debugging it right now.


I tried setting that one last night, but it didn’t seem to do anything. I’ll see if updating studio helps.

Edit: Yeah, it’s still not working. I tried using CloneTrooper1019’s mod manager, and it didn’t appear in the list. So when I tried adding it in myself, it just didn’t do anything. I’m not sure if I’m doing something wrong or missing a step here.

If it helps, I can give my ClientAppSettings file. ClientAppSettings.json (422 Bytes)

Dam, hope it’s a quick fix - interested in seeing what is to come.

Turned off the change, unfortunately the change broke the draggers for beta users with any non-English locale.

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I don’t know what I’m missing here. I’ve tried everything from creating a new ClientAppSettings.json with just that FFlag disabled and updating studio, and it doesn’t seem to have taken any effect. It works on an older version of studio from two weeks ago, but that version crashes when I use PBR materials, so that advancement is basically moot.

That’s weird, that ClientAppSettings.json correctly changes the behavior for me. Are you on version 483 with the Pivot Editor beta enabled?

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Yeah. On 483 and have it enabled.

You don’t get this? That’s super weird.



Nope this is what I’m getting every time. I think studio just hates me or something at this point.

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I have good news, I have found the answer and fix to my issue and it’s bizarre. It seems that the directory where it grabs the ClientAppSettings file changed? I’ve always just had it in AppData\Local\Roblox, but now it only works if I put it directly into the studio version folder. It always worked that way for me up until now. I’m glad the solution turned out to be pretty simple.


So when can we expect another update on pivot points?

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There’s an abnormal release cycle coming up, so unfortunately you’ll have to wait until July 7th.

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That killed me. Oh well, 3 more weeks to go - I shall wait.

Will this be fixed because its very annoying. The box and the pivot point itself should stay with the actual model and not offset itself.

If you want the Pivot Point to stay with the model during simulation then you have to set a PrimaryPart. That’s the purpose of the PrimaryPart going forwards, to connect the model’s physical and editing behavior together.

The reason we can’t automate this is that your model could have two cars in it: When they drive in two different directions which one should the pivot follow? The PrimaryPart solves that.


Alright thank you for explaining, I always treated it as a pivot point but now that makes sense.


What about the SelectionBox though?, It’s quite annoying, shouldn’t it stay with the model instead of moving up along and then moving back to where it suppose to be once I start moving the model again?