PivotTo broken in studio?

I am trying to replace [placeholders with the template base in my game. This always use to work up till now, but it works in the game, just not studio…?

for _: nil, plot: Part in pairs(PlotsFolder:GetChildren()) do -- Safe to use "openPlots" because nothing has changed yet
		local plotTemplate = PlotTemplate:Clone()
		plotTemplate.Parent = PlotsFolder

	openPlots = PlotsFolder:GetChildren()

In studio it Pivots to (0, -100000, 0) no matter what.


I just switched it to:

plotTemplate.PrimaryPart.Position = plot.Position

but still why does this work like this?

Have you tried print debugging to make sure the CFrame you are pivoting to is correct? At the moment you have not tried this from what you mentioned in the post.

Also just printing the CFrame out:


You can print out the instance to the output console and click to view it in the properties window.

Yes, it is correct. Like i said, it works in-game.