I’m trying to make a car spawning system and I’m using PivotTo() to rotate and position the car above the spawn pad. The problem is that on some models, it places correctly, but is rotated to the wrong angle.
I found out that if I mess with the Origin Orientation and then reset the pivot, it will somewhat fix but this is an annoying fix, and isnt PivotTo() supposed to do this for me?
Why does it sometimes rotate to a different direction and how do I always make it rotate to the rotation of the spawnpad regardless of the Origin Orientation?
this is the code I used to pivot the model. NewCar:PivotTo(Spawner.SpawnPad:GetPivot() + Vector3.new(0, 10, 0))
Hello, I know this is late, but for anyone that wants to know now, I suggest just changing the PivotOffset of the model until the model is rotated correctly.