Dev Log 4 [9/7/24]
Hey guys!
It’s been a little bit… I just recently got fired form my job after being with a company for two years. Me and my boss often butt heads and on her last her a week of leaving she decided she was going to take me out too. She last minute changed my schedule and I ended up missing a day resulting in a “no call, no show”. I have never done that in the past two years I’ve been working for them, my attendance has been basically perfect. But… I guess that was enough to suspend me and fire me.
Anyways, why am I telling you all of this?
It’s pretty simple, I feel bad lol.
And I kinda just treat this like my little dairy, suppose to be therapeutic or something to right down your thoughts… So they say.
But! I also just wanted to be honest with you guys, I know there is not much of you guys out there looking at this, but woah! 60s views! That’s 60 human beings…! I hope you guys who are looking at this are enjoying what I am making and taking this process with me.
Jesus lady, get on with the show already. Alright, alright…
So! Surprisingly, I haven’t been a complete stick in the mud with this project and I have been semi-productive.
This is where we are at right now:

Woah! That’s a jump in progress from last time. I mean, the dude actually has clothes, hair,
and eyes now. So, deep diving into that a little bit:
His clothes and hair are modeled… P.S. I stole the hair from neutralize, please check them out and thank them for the free assets!
Where are the eyes?
Yeah I had to hand draw those which is fine for me, literally only a few pixels to do.
Oh yeah! I forgot to mention how I made it all pixelated in blender, I honestly think I copied this node set up from CBaileyFilm that he made in the compositor. Check him out! He’s pretty cool too and easy to follow.
Moving on though to the dirt tiles!
Which took me so long to make… I think I have like four different versions till I was finally satisfied with the results above.
You might be counting and realizing there is only three sets, but there are actually more on my laptop when I did this at college in my spare time…
Sigh. Not sure why it took me so many tries, it could’ve been how this week was going to be honest with you. But here it is all randomized:
I need to wrap my head around how I am going to approach combining this with the grass textures and other biomes… But we can leave that as a later thought.
Focus Points
Alright! The plan is to make more tiles for other biomes. I got about five biomes planned… Not telling you what they are, you’ll just have to keep in touch with this dev forum… Hahahaha.
But Hey, what do they say?
Oh well! Another day. Thanks for reading this though if you found it and I will keep update on it.