Sorry for putting this in the wrong category, but Bug Reports is still closed off to Members and we still can’t rank up to Regular.
For the past while, on certain textures (normally plastic with a reflectance over 0), a bunch of brightly-colored pixels spread across the model. I’m not the only one to experience this, but I haven’t been able to find a solution.
It can change every now and again. Earlier, in this same game I’m posting screenshots from, it would occur on my plastic materials with reflectance over 0. Now, it’s occuring on base metal and diamondplate.

The bug persists when testing a game in Studio, but doesn’t occur at all if you’re actually playing in Roblox.
It’s nothing major, just an annoyance and an eyesore.
It’s not my graphics card, considering this bug didn’t crop up until recently.
What is this, and is there any way even to fix it?