Just before I begin I’d like to say I’m a bit newish to building and I have tried searching for solutions but haven’t found any
I was just recently experimenting with wedges and making curves with them until I started getting these pixels in the parts happen with any material and look the same there’s usually tons of them but i couldn’t capture them all in one photo
Are you sure this is not some sort of rendering issue? Could you upload the model? Also if you’re using solid modeling, colors will stick on surfaces (although I have no clue how tiny pixels would be created). To test for that, just enable UsePartColor and see if it goes away.
PixelArchway.rbxm (90.6 KB)
I did a couple of tests and did what you said nothing worked but the only thing that worked is I took out the whole wall and there were no pixels.
Sorry for the delay, I was working on something. I don’t see any pixels like that. I did notice that the lights were very bright though. Do you have your lighting technology set to future? I’ve seen future do this when drawing its pixels. But perhaps this is an issue with your studio render settings?
If you go to FILE > Studio Settings... > Rendering
, you can mess with your graphical settings there. These are my current render settings:
This is what I see:
Sorry for the delay I’ve just woken up, I am using future and it seemed changing the render settings helped it’s made it look like my graphics are better as well, thank you very much.
Edit: some still show but not as much
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