Pixel texture being blurry in roblox studio while in blender not

Hello everyone! I am having an issue with a pixel texture being blurry in roblox studio, though ive chosen “closest” to make it not blurry in blender.
Heres how it looks in Blender:

And how its looking in roblox studio:

Any methods to fix that?


What is the resolution of the Texture you’re uploading?

PNG. Its also small somewhy, but if i will make it bigger, texture may look bad

I didn’t ask for the file type. I asked for the heightxwidth size. Set that to something bigger than 512x512, since Minecraft skin textures are usually square.

its 64x64.

roblox runs their own compression algorithm even on images that are below the resolution limit; i’d try increasing the actual resolution of the texture itself so roblox doesn’t destroy it as much

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i tried to increase it to 512x512 and the texture got ruined

I suggest trying to upscaling it to 1024x1024 using nearest neighbor scaling, its worked for me so far even if it still is a bit blurry, if the texture is 64x32 originally, then try 1024x512

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This is because of the algorithm that smooths the image. You will need to switch to algorithm that suits pixelated art.

However, this may not work for you since it doesn’t apply to textures on mesh parts.