Pixle's Commands Module

Pixle’s Commands Module
my name is P1xle_D3V and i made a module that lets you create your own admin commands.


This module is for scripters that know what they are doing and i do not recommend using this if you do not have any experience with programming.

Set prefix
To begin you need to set the prefix by doing this:

local commands = require(your script location) --i recommend putting it in ReplicatedFirst

commands.SetPrefix("your prefix",true) --set to false if you dont want a cmds command

Add commands
so now you want to add commands, you can do that by doing this:

commands:AddCommand("cmd name","description",true,function(plr,args) --set to false if the player doesnt need to call a player name
    --do things

Add admins
if you want to add more admins, then use this function:

commands:SetAdmins({adminId,adminId}) --you dont have to add the owner id

An example
this is an example:

local commands = require(game.ReplicatedFirst.CommandsModule)


commands:AddCommand("hey","Says hey to u",true,function(plr,args)
    print("hello "..plr.Name.." you said: "..args)

Get the module
Get the module here:

If you have any questions, ask them on here or message me on the devforum.

I hope i explained it right and pls report any bugs you find.