Place description char limit in Game Settings is inconsistent with the website when using emojis

Set your game’s description to long text containing some emojis, max out the char count.

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Then look at the description in studio using the Game Settings widget. it looks like Studio is counting the length incorrectly. The utf8 library in Studio can be used to correctly calculate the length of this string.



Expected behavior

Studio shouldn’t block me from submitting changes in game settings because of the description being too long, because it is not too long on the website.


Thanks for the report! We’ve filed a ticket in our internal database.


This is still a problem. Game Settings is completely useless to me because of this issue.

Hello! We’ve fixed the bug! Everything should be running properly now. Are you encountering any more difficulties?

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Good to hear. Will check on wednesday when I’m home and let you know if the issue persists. :slight_smile:

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