Place thumbnail/video bug

I reported this before, but it seemed like no one noticed it, so i will explain it again.

We can’t remove/add the thumbnail or video.

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There was no need to repost.

  1. You posted the first one just as the weekend started (a day ago), so staff probably didn’t see it before the weekend.
  2. Bug reports don’t necessarily have to get (staff) replies to be “noticed”, the staff checks every bug report.
  3. If you look at the Web Bugs category, you can see that you now occupy the 1st and 4th slot with this bug. A bump wasn’t necessary, let go a repost.

Didn’t notice that. Thanks for clearing it up.

I’m having this issue lol I can’t remove the video or add any new thumbnails :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: Seems to be only an issue on Google Chrome; I’m using Version 51.0.2704.103 m

Someone told me this bug is still occurring.

happend yesteday to me again on google chrome. But it doesn’t seem to be a Roblox bug.
I disabled AddBlock and Roblox+ and then it all worked fine.


Is anyone else having this issue? He said he tried changing browsers and removing extensions.

I’m having this issue as well.


Does disabling adblock fix it? Or any extensions? I’ve had a lot of weird bugs with adblock due to it mistakenly killing things it shouldn’t.

Disabling/removing adblock did not solve the issue.