Hello community
i am using the Placement System from zblox and i am having a hard time getting the floor feature correctly to work.
Currently i am using the Q and E keys to raise/lower the floors. This works perfectly fine. The only issue I have is when i raise my floor a space between my mouse and the object generates:
Here i am at the lowest floor and the object is perfectly positioned at my mouse:
(picture 1)
Now the more i raise the floor to build the more a space between these two generates:
In the following code snippet you can see that i customized a bit of the raiseFloor and lowerFloor functions from the original module. But this is only for the texture to go up with the model:
local function raiseFloor(actionName: string, inputState: Enum.UserInputState, inputObj: InputObject?)
if not (currentState ~= 4 and inputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin) then return end
if not (enableFloors and not stackable) then return end
floorHeight += floor(abs(floorStep))
floorHeight = math.clamp(floorHeight, 0, maxHeight)
if preferSignals then changeFloors:Fire(true) end
local gridPart = plot.plotGridPart
if floorHeight < maxHeight then
gridPart.Position = Vector3.new(gridPart.Position.X, gridPart.Position.Y + floorStep, gridPart.Position.Z)
local function lowerFloor(actionName: string, inputState:Enum.UserInputState, inputObj: InputObject?)
if not (currentState ~= 4 and inputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin) then return end
if not (enableFloors and not stackable) then return end
floorHeight -= floor(abs(floorStep))
floorHeight = math.clamp(floorHeight, 0, maxHeight)
if preferSignals then changeFloors:Fire(false) end
local plotBaseY = plot.Position.Y
local gridPart = plot.plotGridPart
if gridPart.Position.Y - floorStep >= plotBaseY then
gridPart.Position = Vector3.new(gridPart.Position.X, gridPart.Position.Y - floorStep, gridPart.Position.Z)
In the main function ‘activate’ where the player is then able to build we could see that the model gets correctly positioned to the mouse (picture 1).
function PlacementInfo:activate(ID: string, PlacedObjects: Instance, Plot: BasePart,
Stackable: boolean, SmartRotation: boolean, AutoPlace: boolean)
if currentState ~= 4 then TERMINATE_PLACEMENT() end
if GET_PLATFORM() == "Mobile" then mobileUI.Parent = player.PlayerGui end
-- Sets necessary variables for placement
character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
plot = Plot
object = self.Prefabs:FindFirstChild(tostring(ID)):Clone()
placedObjects = PlacedObjects
primary = object.PrimaryPart
if displayGridTexture then displayGrid() end
if includeSelectionBox then displaySelectionBox() end
if audibleFeedback then createAudioFeedback() end
-- Sets properties of the model (CanCollide, Transparency)
for i, inst in ipairs(object:GetDescendants()) do
if not inst:IsA("BasePart") then continue end
if transparentModel then inst.Transparency = inst.Transparency + transparencyDelta end
inst.CanCollide = false
inst.Anchored = true
if removeCollisionsIfIgnored then
for i, v: Instance in ipairs(self.IgnoredItems) do
if v:IsA("BasePart") then v.CanTouch = false end
object.PrimaryPart.Transparency = hitboxTransparency
stackable = Stackable
smartRot = SmartRotation
-- Allows stackable objects depending on stk variable given by the user
raycastParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {placedObjects, character, unpack(self.IgnoredItems)}
raycastParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude
if Stackable then
raycastParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {object, character, unpack(self.IgnoredItems)}
raycastParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude
-- Toggles buildmode placement (infinite placement) depending on if set true by the user
canActivate = false
if buildModePlacement then
canActivate = true
-- Gets the initial y pos and gives it to y
initialY = calculateYPos(Plot.Position.Y, Plot.Size.Y, object.PrimaryPart.Size.Y, 1)
y = initialY
removePlotDependencies = false
autoPlace = AutoPlace
local preSpeed = 1
if interpolation then
preSpeed = clamp(abs(tonumber(1 - lerpSpeed)::number), 0, 0.9)
speed = preSpeed
if instantActivation then
setup = true
speed = 1
-- Parents the object to the location given
if not object then TERMINATE_PLACEMENT(); warn(messages["101"]) end
if instantActivation then translateObj() end
object.Parent = PlacedObjects
speed = preSpeed
if preferSignals then activated:Fire() end
setup = false
The only thing i could think of is that the objects gets positioned in the translateObj function where the calculateItemLocation is called to calculate its position but i am not exactly sure since it does not contain any mouse values. The translateObj function:
-- Sets the position of the object
local function translateObj(dt)
if not (currentState ~= 2 and currentState ~= 4) then return end
range = false
if getRange() > maxRange then
if preferSignals then outOfRange:Fire() end
range = true
if removePlotDependencies then plot = findPlot() or plot end
if interpolation and not setup then
object:PivotTo(primary.CFrame:Lerp(calculateItemLocation(primary.CFrame.Position, false), speed*dt*targetFPS))
hitbox:PivotTo(calculateItemLocation(hitbox.CFrame.Position, true))
object:PivotTo(calculateItemLocation(primary.CFrame.Position, false))
hitbox:PivotTo(calculateItemLocation(hitbox.CFrame.Position, true))
The calculateItemLocation function:
-- Calculates the position of the object
local function calculateItemLocation(last, final: boolean): CFrame
local x: number, z: number
local sizeX: number, sizeZ: number = primary.Size.X*0.5, primary.Size.Z*0.5
local offsetX: number, offsetZ: number = sizeX, sizeZ
local finalC: CFrame
if not currentRot then sizeX = primary.Size.Z*0.5; sizeZ = primary.Size.X*0.5 end
if moveByGrid then
offsetX = sizeX - floor(sizeX/GRID_UNIT)*GRID_UNIT
offsetZ = sizeZ - floor(sizeZ/GRID_UNIT)*GRID_UNIT
local cam: Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local ray
local nilRay
local target
if isMobile then
local camPos: Vector3 = cam.CFrame.Position
ray = workspace:Raycast(camPos, cam.CFrame.LookVector*rangeOfRay, raycastParams)
nilRay = camPos + cam.CFrame.LookVector*(maxRange + plot.Size.X*0.5 + plot.Size.Z*0.5)
local unit: Ray = cam:ScreenPointToRay(mouse.X, mouse.Y, 1)
ray = workspace:Raycast(unit.Origin, unit.Direction*rangeOfRay, raycastParams)
nilRay = unit.Origin + unit.Direction*(maxRange + plot.Size.X*0.5 + plot.Size.Z*0.5)
if ray then
x, z = ray.Position.X - offsetX, ray.Position.Z - offsetZ
if stackable then target = ray.Instance; else target = plot end
x, z = nilRay.X - offsetX, nilRay.Z - offsetZ
target = plot
target = target
local pltCFrame: CFrame = plot.CFrame
local positionCFrame = cframe(x, 0, z)*cframe(offsetX, 0, offsetZ)
y = calculateYPos(plot.Position.Y, plot.Size.Y, primary.Size.Y, 1) + floorHeight
-- Changes y depending on mouse target
if stackable and target and (target:IsDescendantOf(placedObjects) or target == plot) then
if ray and ray.Normal then
local normal = cframe(ray.Normal):VectorToWorldSpace(Vector3.FromNormalId(Enum.NormalId.Top)):Dot(ray.Normal)
y = calculateYPos(target.Position.Y, target.Size.Y, primary.Size.Y, normal)
if moveByGrid then
-- Calculates the correct position
local rel: CFrame = pltCFrame:Inverse()*positionCFrame
local snappedRel: CFrame = snapCFrame(rel)*cframe(offsetX, 0, offsetZ)
if not removePlotDependencies then snappedRel = bounds(snappedRel, sizeX, sizeZ) end
finalC = pltCFrame*snappedRel
finalC = pltCFrame:Inverse()*positionCFrame
if not removePlotDependencies then finalC = bounds(finalC, sizeX, sizeZ) end
finalC = pltCFrame*finalC
-- Clamps y to a max height above the plot position
y = clamp(y, initialY, maxHeight + initialY)
-- For placement or no intepolation
if final or not interpolation then
return (finalC*cframe(0, y - plot.Position.Y, 0))*anglesXYZ(0, rotation*pi/180, 0)
return (finalC*cframe(0, y - plot.Position.Y, 0))*anglesXYZ(0, rotation*pi/180, 0)*calcAngle(last, finalC)
If you need further details to the scripts or have questions feel free to ask because i´ve tried to make the post small. Thank you very much!