PlaceVersion not updating when publishing

When publishing an experience, the PlaceVersion number will not update. It will keep the same number as when you joined/started the session.


Current workaround is to close the session and re-join/start Studio.

Expected behavior

I expect the number to incrementally add/accurately reflect the PlaceVersion when I publish to Roblox.


This is the same with many properties such as game.CreatorId which does not update if you publish to a different group.

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Thanks for the report! We’ve filed a ticket in our internal database and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


That’s really odd, does it update if you rejoin/restart Studio or is it always the same game.CreatorId?

Hi. Thanks for reporting! Trying to understand the case here. Did you make any edits to the experience before publishing? One known behavior is if studio goes through consecutive publish or save and publish without edits in between, the second publish does not create a new place version.

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Edits were applied, parts were moved. If you do print(game.Version it will say the PlaceVersion number of the place.

After publishing and printing again, it will still be the same PlaceVersion number. In my case, I was logged into the session and it printed “26”. After publishing a new version, it still said “26”.

I found a work-around. Going to the Game Settings after publishing, you can see the accurately published number under Places. So the functionality is there.

Thanks for replying! You are right. GameSettings has the updated info here. We have identified the issue and will work on a fix!


If you restart Studio, the info is updated.

Sorry for the bump, but I am having the same issue! Working on a fighting game and the place is stuck on version 2450. Nothing I am doing seems to be fixing it. Everything is fine in studio, but when I go to play the game in the regular game client, it is not there. Has any real solution to this problem been discovered?

Hi! This does not sound like a visual issue as my bug report.

I think you are experiencing a different bug entirely and that your PlaceId / Universe is not updating when you have saved the place.

Output tells you if it was published or not;

Make sure that you’ve hit the Publish button, and not Save button in Studio

If that does not work, then you should make a new bug report for this :smiley: