Placing a brick perfectly on an edge

I am looking for a plugin similar to Tomarty’s Geometry tools, I’ve always found building a pain when it came trying to line things up. In the GIF, you see I am trying to get the part to be perfectly on the edge (kinda like a wedge). Using Tomarty’s Geometry tools it does this, but it changes the position of the big brick, rather than the small one. I’ve tried changing things around but it always does.

Do any of you more experienced builders know a work around for this? Or other plugins that can do what I need.


Sure do, you should try GapFill.

Stravant’s resize allign!

//Reee, 30 characters required

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I have GapFill, and although it does kinda solve it. I am more looking for a plugin that positions the part perfectly rather than just adds a new part altogether. Otherwise it still looks a little different.

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Thanks for the suggestions.
Stravant’s one does the same thing in the GIF, it resizes the part rather than positioning it (or it moves the wrong block).
I found a solution however, F3X building tools has a feature where if you hold R while using the Position tool, it allows you to snap edges to edges. This did what I needed perfectly and can also be used in resizing.


Well, next time I would suggest using studio build suite and rotate the part around another part’s edge. Shown here:

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You can align the top of the small part with the large part’s side:

My alignment tool uses the same math as resize align, I just worked it into my own plugin and added few features for ease of use (like holding r to select faces that you can’t see, holding shift to select the opposite face, and a button for toggling whether it should set size.)

Also, if you need to align to a WedgePart you can use the “Hyp” setting in WedgeConvert to convert it to a Part aligned with the hypotenuse. (Ideally this would be built in somehow.)

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