Placing "Animate" script into StarterCharScripts not replacing default animations

For one reason or another, placing a script named “Animate” into the StarterCharacterScripts is not overriding the default Animate script. It’s not even showing up in the character in-game. When renamed, the new “Animate” script does show up in the character but when named properly is nowhere to be found and the old one is in its place in the character.


Try inserting a script into ReplicatedFirst with the following inside:

local newAnim = script.Aniamte

        newAnim:Clone().Parent = character

Remember to place the new Animate script as a child under the normal script.

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I’ll give it a shot, thanks. I’ll report back what I find.

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The PlayerAdded event is not firing for some strange reason?

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Maybe try ServerScriptService or ReplicatedStorage.

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@alxxsxro @TeraWattt Changing the parent of the script would not resolve the issue. ServerScripts can be run from ReplicatedFirst without an issue. The issue is probably that you have some sort of loop that is preventing connections with the PlayerAdded event.

There are a few solutions to that. You could spawn() or a coroutine to create a new thread, or if you wanted to just create another script, that would work fine as well.

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