Planetary Orbit Module

After realizing using an individual script for each orbiting object was inefficient, hard to work with and just a bad method, I decided to wrap it into a model for ease of use.


Reasons to use this:

  1. Customizability:

    Orbits have almost all factors customizable:
    Distance, Speed, Eclipse, and Orbit Rotation

  2. Error Proof:

    The Module was made with input errors in mind, so it has a warning to deal with most of the
    problems that could occur

  3. Ease of use:

    The Module is pretty simple, and despite that the explanations in the module instructions are
    still in-depth and thorough.

I will go over a brief explanation of how it works:

To create an orbit, you use Module.New(config, “Key”)

config being the list of custom variables, and key being the key you refer to the orbit as

To edit an orbit, you use Module.Update(config, “Key”),

and to delete an orbit, you use Module.Delete(“Key”).

Enjoy :blush: