Plasmaball effect?

So i was at a cool place with my friends and i saw this

It looks so cool!
Can I create an effect like that with a particle or beam or anything? Ty๐Ÿ˜„


if you wanted the rays to be frozen in place you could probably use particles , but for a more random movement u could make a script to rotate the particle bricks around the center


here you go, i tried to recreate your ball FOR A VERY NOB PERSON - Roblox


whatever you do just donโ€™t ungroup it


thats a rude name but okay ill get it


how do you like my very cool ball

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its good but im looking for a moving one like it moves in the globe

Are you really that inexperienced at roblox studio

Listen up i dont know who you think you are but i tested it. I want it to move around in the globe like its anchored in the middle. Im sorry but your getting reported cuz thats really really mean.

The plasma can be recreated using beams which have a light effect. One main central attachment and more attachments scattered around the surface of the sphere connected to multiple beams.


Thank you i will try to make it! :)))

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