Platform Usage and Protected Groups

Somebody is paying me to develop a medium sized game for their group, and in the game you fight variations of the wojak, such as the Soyjak, The Science Guy, and The Wojak. I was wondering can you depict this group of people being used as random NPCs, with audio clips like “I love science” as you fire rocket launchers at them .

For reference, the game is a FPS called War For Christmas, where you play as Saint Nicholas/Santa on a glorious crusade to reclaim the North Pole from soyjak.

Images my friend wants me to work from:

@Crazedbrick1 Somebody said your an expert on soyjaks and I have literally no idea what the lore of these creatures are, so can you illuminate me?

I’m no expert I have no idea what the lore is :sob:

you’ll be fine

Somebody told me you made this tho

That is true, but the guy im building this for is worried it’ll be taken down in the event redditors count as a protected group.

From the image, we knew we had to remove 4 soyjaks.

if hes worried about that he shouldnt even be making a game about this, then

Why the other Soyjaks names are censored?

Because, the guy who I’m working on this for, scrapped those 3.

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