I’m currently working on a platformer type game with a side view. What are your thoughts on it so far? Should I go ahead with this idea and make an entire game like this?
Why limit yourself… you can have the camera view change to behind the character upon passing a certain spot, and have it so they need to navigate left and right. It keeps with your theme, but allows for more perspectives.
Just a thought… good luck with it, i like the idea.
Thanks, I’ll definitely think about it having a dynamic view. The reason why it has a side view now is because I was kind of inspired by mario and that type of game.
Limit the foward and backward walking , and add some animations.
but oh my god this is so good then my other projects
I’m a big fan of alternate camera angles. I’d maybe decrease the field of view so it’s more 2d - but it’s looking really promising with the current things you’ve got working (mining, swinging, pushing etc).
Maybe some jump pads, swiming and other things could work too?
honestly i could see this becoming a terraria type game if built correctly.
i dont know the exact idea your going for, but i love it so far. keep it up!