Welcome to the first topic of PTHQ. This topic will only include version updates.
(Version 13.1.3)
- Staff Elevator added
- General improvements
- Replaced floor UG to an Arcade Room 1000 credits on join, if you run out, just rejoin, (tickets dont
save) will be changed to a DataStore. - Platinum Parking progress (56%…)
(End Version Update)
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(Version 13.1.4)
- ServerUpdater added
- General improvements
(End Version Update)
(Version 13.1.5)
- Removed player emotes
(End Version Update)
(Version 13.1.6)
- General improvements
- Platinum Parking progress (80%…)
(End Version Update)
(Version 13.1.7)
- Added is typing bubble. This will show once you open the chatbar a tiny bubble will show that you are typing.
(End Version Update)
(Version 13.1.8)
- Platinum Parking Garage officially opened.
(End Version Update)
(Version 13.2)
- Added some security features.
- V 13.1.9 has been ignored due security features.
- Buses should no longer be able to get in the car lift and parking garage.
- Tesla’s are put back in the parking garage.
(End Version Update)
(Version 13.3)
- Added donation board.
(End Version Update)
(Version 13.4)
- Added Escalator at lobby that goes to Floor UG.
- Added fire-recall at the staff elevator.
(End Version Update)
(Version 13.5)
- Added Stairwell from floor G to 75.
- Extended staff elevator to floor 75.
- Performance fixes
(End Version Update)
(Version 13.6)
- Added billboard at the spawn.
- Added a GUI above the screen to greet everyone at PTHQ and other informations.
Edit: - Removed copyrighted songs into non-copyrighted so that people can record without having a Youtube strikes or warnings.
(End Version Update)
(Version 13.7)
- Preparing renovations for the main elevators date unknown we hope somewhere in June or July (i have exams in May and in June).
- Elevator A4 is inaccessible for the public due to renovations.
(End Version Update)
(Version 13.8)
- Elevator A1, A2, A3, A4 Have been renovated.
- Elevator B1, B2, B3, B4 Have been shut off and is being prepared for renovations in the future.
(End Version Update)
(Version 13.9)
- Elevator B1, B2, B3, B4 Have been renovated.
- Elevator lobby (UG) has been renovated.
- Security feature for staff elevator prevents unwanted people entering.
- Added cardreader inside the staff elevator so no unwanted player goes spamming every button.
(End Version Update)
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(Version 14)
- Road construction has been finished.
- New road layout.
- Interior for floor 76 has made a head start.
(End Version Update)
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(Version 15)
- Highway removed.
- Lobby Has been updated.
- Added seats.
- Floor 75 Has been updated.
- Minor improvements.
- Floor 76 Has been updated.
- Canteen layout w/ offices and a secondary floor.
- Floor 76 Has stairs going to Floor 76A (Developers offices)
- Floor 76 Has a Platform Elevator leading to Floor 76A.
- New Service Elevator.
- Taller and faster. running Platinums new engine LIFTKOS.
- Roof elevator disabled due renovations planned.
- Added offices floor 75, 76.
- Staircase has got a repaint.
- Removed the green and made it dark grey.
- Running NTE V3, (Proximity prompt GUI) no more cards in your backpack,
- Performance fixes
(End Version Update)
(Version 15.1)
- Roof elevator has been renovated into Platinum Tech’s own elevator Engine called LIFTKOS.
- Big Performance fixes
- Added Office numbers on floor 76 and 76A will soon happen on 75 as well.
(End Version Update)
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(Version 15.2)
- Preparing renovations for Parking Elevators.
- Parking Elevator A has been disabled.
- Yellow signs added for notify of preparations.
(End Version Update)
(Version 15.3)
- Parking Elevators has been renovated to LIFTKOS.
- Added Multibay for the Parking Elevators.
- Both elevators serve: UG, G, P1, P2, T, P3.
- Changed the floor wall at the elevator lobby, People who bought a floor has a lit on floor number with the word ‘Owned’ next to it.
(End Version Update)