"Play Here" dumps me at team spawn not camera location

The title says it pretty much all, started happening recently in all places; Whenever I click “Play Here” it dumps me at the team spawn instead of the current position of the camera. Don’t know what caused this, but I can’t resolve it.

Here’s a video.

Did you yet try to just go to the dropdown and select it there? That worked for me when I had this issue a month or so ago

Do you have a script that makes players spawn at certain locations?
I have an obby that when I’m testing with Play Here I need to deactivate the teleporting script as well as another script that I have for teleporting the players to the final spawn if they have the obby completed badge. Otherwise my character will spawn momentarily at the location I request, but get teleported to the final spawn.

Yeah, I tried that but didn’t work unfortunatly :confused:

Eh, I do have a script that teleports players if they have group rank X to a different place. But this never had any effect on Play here… The only other script I have is to team players and then Load their character. Again, those scripts have been here before this issue started occuring…

What about just putting the settings to invisible and collidable with player and moving it down for a bit, would that work?

Oof I just noticed this is in the wrong category… It’s supposed to be in Studio Bugs :grimacing:

It is not a script issue. I’m talking about the “Play Here” button in the menu to start a solo session.

Yea, true, but still try the solution i sent above xD

My script affects me because I have the completed badge so I have to disable it.
If you have the ‘group rank X’ then it will probably affect you.
Try disabling it for testing, just remember to enable it before you publish the place.

What do you mean?? Which settings would I have set to invisible and collidable with player. Did you watch the video I sent? I have the feeling we are talking both about 2 seperate things lmao


This is what I’m talking about.

Oh jeez, sorry I’m kinda confused talking in multiple places xD someone asked about spawning under a roof instead of on it so i was replying to them here lol, sry