"Play Here" option isn't working on Roblox Studio

Hey guys,
So I have been building a difficulty chart obby lately, and there has this problem where when I press play here it just dumps me to the StartSpawn. I have been looking across the internet and DevForum and found nothing. Does anyone know how to fix this?


Do you experience this issue on a baseplate? If not, it could be a script within your game.


no its just in the obby im creating

Hmmm… Maybe its a virus from a free model if you used one. You can maybe try restarting your browser, Or re-open Roblox Studio, If it didn’t work, I don’t know how to help you. I never experience that Issue before.


In the explorer which is commonly on the right side of the screen, search “script”
Every script should pop up that is in your game. Whatever script that is suspicious or deems unnecessary, delete it and try again.

Try and show a photo or video of what exactly happened.

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Okay thanks! Ill try it lets hope it works.

There’s probably some script that messes around with teleporting the player when respawned, do you have anything that messes with player location?

Well I have checkpoints, if thats what you mean

Hm, that could intersect then.

If these are being saved or whatever.

Yeah I guess, its really effecting my development

Then you can maybe disable the teleporting when

if RunService:IsStudio() then

Its gonna end up teleporing you If you don’t; you could also have some sort of value that you use to change when you’re testing;

Can you explain how to do it step by step? Thanks!

Ok, let’s say you have your teleporting script, on it, you’ll have the find the line of code which teleports you, before teleporting the player, you should check if RunService:IsStudio()

You can get RunService by doing

local runService = game:GetService("RunService")

RunService allows you to check, mess around with stuff linked to the Roblox Server / Player instance, let’s say: Do something when a frame is rendered, checking if it’s a client, checking if it’s a server, checking if it’s a Studio Environment, checking if the game is being run, useful for plugins. Stuff like that.

So you can use RunService:IsStudio() to check, if IT’S studio. Then you can “not” do something when it’s Studio, or do something WHEN it’s studio.

In this case you’re looking at:

if not runService:IsClient() then
    --Teleport to checkpoint

Also since this could be annoying you could have a variable when you’re testing, so like, oh yeah I’m testing, but I also need to test checkpoints, you could have a variable like “checkpointTesting” and change it when you need to.

So you would do:

if not runService:IsClient() or checkpointTesting then
    --Teleport to checkpoint
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it is a bug that is really annoying . What you can do is to export your game into another game

I’m sorry for the really late reply, but I’m having the same issue for one of my games
for some reason when i press “Play here”, it force-spawns the player where the spawn point is. I tried to remove the spawn i had in that game, but it just spawned the player at the origin instead of where i wanted to playtest
I dont know if its a similar issue, but if it is, hopefully someone gets a better understanding out of this or something