Play is not a valid member of Animation

I’ve looked everywhere for this issue, but for some reason my inspect animation script doesn’t work, every time I press F it says, “Play is not a valid member of Animation”

Try this:


You can’t play animations, only animation tracks.

How would I implement this into my script?

It could be that the animator object doesn’t exist, try doing hum:WaitForChild(“Animator”) Nevermind I just saw you didnt play the track.

Switch this line for the line where you say “InspectAnimation:Play()”

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I tell you why Den_vers is right. So what you have currently done is trying to play the Instance (Animation), which isn’t possible. But if you Load the Animation into the Animator of the Character it will be set in there, therefore you can do :Play() with the local of LoadAnimation() and it will work as it is connected to your character.

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Thanks for the explanation!!


I feel OFFENDED on a personal LEVEL that you didn’t read what I said but you read his. Nobody listens to chickens.

By the way this won’t really decide whether your script works or not, but you should move your local script to startercharacterscripts rather than waiting for the character to load in your starterplayerscripts, that way you can just access the player’s character by doing script.Parent and its more likely that objects on the client’s character will have loaded, like the humanoid and the animator object. Compared to your local script in starterplayerscripts. AND ALSSSO you should do local animator = hum:WaitForChild(“Animator”) like you did with the humanoid just in case it hasn’t loaded yet. You know EXTRA precautions…

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