I want to make one sound play when the GUI is turned off and another sound is played when it turns on
local u = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local on = false
local off = false
local char = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character or game.Players.LocalPlayer.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local light = Instance.new("SpotLight")
light.Range = 1000 --adjust as needed
light.Parent = char:WaitForChild("Head")
light.Enabled = false
local NightVisionONSound = script.Parent.NVOn
local NightVisionOFFSound = script.Parent.NVOff
u.InputBegan:Connect(function(input) -- input is when you press a key
if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.N then -- click N
on = not on
script.Parent.Frame.Visible = on
game.Lighting.NightVision.Enabled = on
game.Lighting.Bloom.Enabled = on
light.Enabled = on
if NightVisionONSound.Ended and script.Parent.Frame.Visible == on then
the current code will play both sounds almost simultaneously when you press the N key because the NightVisionONSound:Play() and NightVisionOFFSound:Play() are not correctly set for the on and off states of the gui, try
if script.Parent.Frame.Visible then
sounds are played when entering the game and are no longer produced
does this scripts have errors?
local u = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local on = false
local off = false
local char = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character or game.Players.LocalPlayer.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local light = Instance.new("SpotLight")
light.Range = 1000 --adjust as needed
light.Parent = char:WaitForChild("Head")
light.Enabled = false
local NightVisionONSound = script.Parent.NVOn
local NightVisionOFFSound = script.Parent.NVOff
if script.Parent.Frame.Visible then
u.InputBegan:Connect(function(input) -- input is when you press a key
if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.N then -- click N
on = not on
script.Parent.Frame.Visible = on
game.Lighting.NightVision.Enabled = on
game.Lighting.Bloom.Enabled = on
light.Enabled = on
could be due to the sound not being stopped before a new one is played. You can add :Stop() before :Play() so that any playing sounds can be made sure that they are stopped
You could try doing this. I put some more stuff into it such as not switching it when the player is typing in the chat.
I didnt test it though so I’m not sure if it works.
u.InputBegan:Connect(function(input, gpe)
if gpe then return end -- Checks if the player is in the chat or doing something where they shouldn't be able to activate the GUI
if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.N then
on = not on -- changes the state of the night vision to the opposite
local sound = on and NightVisionONSound or NightVisionOFFSound -- if NightVision is on, then sound = NightVisionONSound or if off then sound = NightVisionOFFSound
sound:Play() -- Play the sound
-- Set Lighting and Night Vision Effects
script.Parent.Frame.Visible = on
game.Lighting.NightVision.Enabled = on
game.Lighting.Bloom.Enabled = on
light.Enabled = on
Red is when you detect ANY input, even mouse buttons.
orange is when you detect the input of N. so move it down, like what @Chrasher_06 said, use his version! he has gameprocessing which stops chat!