Player’s body jumping while sliding

I’m facing a problem where player’s body jump when sliding as shown in the video, even though CanCollid is off on all player’s body parts, why this is happening??

External Media

Even with CanCollide set to false, physical interactions such as forces or velocities applied to non-colliding parts can still affect the player’s character.

so how i can solve this???

You got me… I guess make sure the body parts are set up correctly. Or possibly change the surface friction. Use collision filtering.

a few script that may help…

part.Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic
part.Friction = 0
part.Elasticity = 0
local playerPart = game.Workspace.PlayerPart
game:GetService("PhysicsService"):SetPartCollisionGroup(playerPart, "PlayerNoCollide")
if isSliding then
    -- constant horizontal force
    character.HumanoidRootPart.Velocity =, 0, slideSpeed)