Player animation doesn't match with the animation I made?

This bug annoys me and I don’t know how I could go and fix it.

I have an animation that makes the player hold the sword. Seems simple right? But for some awkward reason, the sword model decides to be in a different spot.

The animation I made:

The outcome:

Any help would be appreciated!

try changing it with a tool grip editor plugin

Does it work with models? I’m using a model as the sword, not a tool. If so, may I get the name of the plugin?

it needs to be a tool
i use this one
u can also do it on your own but its harder

I don’t plan on my sword to be a tool. Although I already made animations like these in the past this is the first time I’ve encountered this type of issue.

Animation editor - press the 3 dots next to the animation name - set animation priority and set it to action or higher (if 2 anims have the same priority they each move the limbs halfway, anims with less priority than another anim move the limbs less than the next level of priority)

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