This bug annoys me and I don’t know how I could go and fix it.
I have an animation that makes the player hold the sword. Seems simple right? But for some awkward reason, the sword model decides to be in a different spot.
I don’t plan on my sword to be a tool. Although I already made animations like these in the past this is the first time I’ve encountered this type of issue.
Animation editor - press the 3 dots next to the animation name - set animation priority and set it to action or higher (if 2 anims have the same priority they each move the limbs halfway, anims with less priority than another anim move the limbs less than the next level of priority)
Sorry for the late reply! School and stuff.
Anyways, the animation priority is already at a higher action. I’ve also tried core and idle, yet neither seems to work. Maybe because the handle is wrong? Or the motor 6D might be bugging it out.
Hello! After 3 sleepless nights, turns out the x orientation of the sword was rotated 90 degrees! Either way, thank you for your help :3
Have a great day!