Player character IS NOT being replicated on the server?

Hey all,

I have been trying to teleport the player but for some reason (this is a really odd issue; I have never experienced this before at all), the position of the player isn’t being replicated by the server AT ALL, despite me changing the position of the player’s humanoidrootpart on the SERVER ITSELF:

Interestingly enough, I find that the position of the humanoidrootpart IS being accurately replicated by the server; it’s just the rest of the character that isn’t?

What’s even more weird is that the player is being teleported on the client:

This is causing big issues to my game as .Touched events are not being triggered by the player once they are being teleported, because the server thinks they are in a different location. Can anyone please help me? Thank you

use cframe on the players character

p.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").CFrame =,3,0))

Thanks, your solution worked. Do you mind explaining why though? I don’t understand why what I did wouldn’t theoretically work.

ive been coding in luau for about 3 years now and i also have no idea but chatgpt helped:
When you set the CFrame of a HumanoidRootPart, you are specifying not just where the part is located, but also how it is oriented in 3D space. This is essential for ensuring that the character’s body and limbs are correctly aligned relative to the environment and to each other.

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