Player Count Changes on Experience Tiles

There is plenty of room to display both Friends, and Rating underneath the Experience name.

I find the like ratio to be a lot more important than whether my friend has played it or not, so I find this crucial to be included.


This change could go both ways, and I’m being very apprehensively optimistic about it. It’s quite literally like YouTube removing dislikes. It’s a super important metric, and we were told to never judge books by their cover, but this is what people will inherently do anyway and it’ll be harder for us to decide on whether we want to play or not.

But at the same time, if it’s all about removing bias, it does have a fair shot at being a decent update and giving better, more underappreciated/underrated games a shot, so I’m trying to be a bit more optimistic than pessimistic.

But in every case, PLEASE keep the game rating visible at ALL times, I’d argue that’s more important than player count.


Are you adding MUI to Roblox later?


player counts will still be visible, just not on the thumbnails, definitely not as drastic as “removing dislikes on Youtube”


I can see how the view count can create bias, but now people can only really go off of the thumbnail to see if they want to play something.

There is the like rating (sometimes), the friend playing icons (sometimes), and the sorts by Roblox (sometimes). To users who don’t have friends who play my game, and if my game isn’t on a sort by Roblox, it’s likely NOT getting discovered.

Niche content suffers already, but now it’s harder to pick out that content, kinda. We need a way to find things not already picked up by Roblox.


General issues with this topic:

  • Why hide ratings if a friend is playing? More specifically, why is this change wasting real estate?
  • Some players don’t want to play experiences by themselves and removing active player counts can deceive users into playing experiences that have no one else in them.
  • Removing player counts makes the expectation of the algorithm unknown, since we can now have games with 50% ratings overshadow those with 90%+.

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I suggest something like this. It shows friends, ratings, and active player count. (we can even replace the ‘plrs’ with the current active player count icon and the ‘% Rating’ with the current rating icon to save even more space to allow for longer titles!)

We should favor changes that maximize real estate.

Also, without player counts visible, you’re going to get complaints like why the first game is overshadowing the other two:


I agree with this, I like looking at Player count

we could find a middle ground solution where perhaps hovering over the tile will show player count and rating information?


YES I love this, now people who have made games like me will be more likely to get players :smiley: .I’m so bored of always seeing the same games on the first page. Additionally, this will be a blow to cash grab games.



Everyone is acting as if they are removing CCUs from ever appearing (like YouTube dislikes), but this is far from the case. You can easily open the game’s page to see CCUs.

Roblox, please trust the statistics and keep the update. It’s not like Steam or Epic Games displays a player count or download count on their front pages, so this would make Roblox more professional and friendly to indie developers.


The CCU can be important information for a user to know if this experience is potentially good, since there is a lot of spam Roblox games. I think when using the search function, it should show the CCU of the places, because there is tons of empty places that come up with no players, but for the discovery page I think it should be like if its under 5K ccu, it should say the exact number of players in that experience right now, but if its above 5K ccu it should say 5K+ players in this experience, this way you remove the bias of players playing that game, but maintain some information to the user that is experience is good.

TL;DR Keep ccu display on experiences that show up when using the search function, but for discovery page show the exact amount of players in that game until it reaches 5K, after 5K it will just display as 5K+ players in this experience.


Even if the game is good, ain’t no one having fun with 0 players… :skull::skull::skull:


Actually if your game is good, and can be solo played you can totally have fun. I have played games alone but can also be played with others before, and I’ve had fun.


Getting from 0 - 100 players isn’t too hard, especially if you create a dedicated group with a few friends to play together + some small sponsoring.

Getting from 100 - 1K players is the difficult part for most startup games, and they would benefit the most from this change.


Would love if Roblox would share the methodology when making statistical claims.

Some previous statistics Roblox has provided in other areas (like a claimed 99% reduction of limited copies) have felt at least anecdotally inaccurate.


personally i wouldnt say viewing the player count on the main thing is crucial more so its just a bit more convenient, change still kinda sucks a little bit though


Knowing the amount of active players in a game is very necessary. I often search for games but sadly they don’t have any players. Some games are practically unplayable or very boring without any other players. Having a little piece of text that lets you know whether or not they are even players playing the game is highly important. Forcing users to tap/click on every single games that they think of joining could be very tiring and an annoying process. Additionally, you can tell whether or not the game is good if it has any active players. This little feature saves a lot of time.

I tired to make a simple solution concept in my editing software but I don’t have a whole UI-UX designing team so don’t judge it too harshly:


Honestly I don’t really care. If they are removing CCU than, like yeah, bother roblox, but like, this is just what you see for 5 seconds on the home and discover page, it doesn’t really bother me


You’re just creating needless extra steps.

People will click on the game.

See the low CCUs.

And page back and repeat.

Congrats, you made the user experience of finding a game of people take way longer.

Pat yourself on the back.

Why are you like this?


No. DO NOT do this.

Player count is an important thing players look at when looking for new games, this would further ruin the discovery of new games, and further add unnecessary steps, overcomplicating the entire process.

For once listen to us, christs’ sake.


Somehow I just know this will be ignored, and they will move forward with this change anyway, as always.