Player count vs detail

Is it better to have more detail in buildings and less player count? What is your feeling on this?

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i think its better to have more player count just if you want the game to be more social.

Ultimately I’d have to go with a moderate detailed building style with a semi practical amount of players, so it’ll have to balance out between the following.

  • Lag
  • Equal Gameplay
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how many parts would you consider moderate under 10k?

I mean you can always turn 10k parts into around 6-7k just by default, It’s like most games in the community such as ROBLOX NFL, they make their stadiums from 12k+ Parts and manage lowering it to fewer around the 8-9k area. So I’ll consider nearly 6k moderate enough since it wouldn’t cause any harm

would 6k parts support like 100 player server?

For sure, 8k parts can handle nearly 140-150 players and I know this by experience from runway/ “fashion” groups that have large scale servers of nearly 200 with 13-14k parts

25,000 parts can support about 50 players?

Nope nope not necessarily.

Remember the difference between players and ordinary parts. When you have a server of 50 or more people, it isn’t their character parts attributing to the lag, it’s connecting 50 or more players together.

Yes, but only because server size has very little to do with rendering.

I find that when people say “you have to keep part counter lower than X” they are missing the relationship that parts hold for rendering. Parts and meshes are instanced incredibly well. On one of the maps on Egg Hunt we had 90k parts and meshes, but we also had a custom loading system for lower end devices to run (generally) smoothly. The lag most people experienced was in a server with 19 other people, the scripts, the rain, and many other factors not part of the map itself.

The Dev Console can shine some light on how much memory your place takes up. Instead of saying “how can I cut out parts to reduce lag” ask yourself “how can I reduce the memory my place takes?” often it isn’t just parts contributing to the issue. Low end devices, such as the iPhone 5 can only run with a certain amount of memory usage before crashing. The number can be different in many situations.

Sometimes the culprits are too many unanchored parts, messy code, complex textures, sounds, unions, and really any other asset used in abundance - not just parts.

In conclusion the answer is "it is complicated and takes testing to find out what works for your situation, so stress test your game with full servers and make adjustments accordingly because there isn’t one catch-all solution.

(If any of the info I’ve provided is incorrect or outdated, please let me know so that I might correct it)


is this bad?

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You tell me. How well does it run in a full server?

Decent for pc just concerned because almost all of the players use tablet and phone so it is important to make it run smoothly on those devices.

Do you have mobile devices that can test it? Have you talked to your playerbase that uses mobile about how they find performance?

If your game has a good community of players, you have yourself a valuable resource. Use a few friends and players to help you find out if you can improve performance for mobile. If you don’t have a reliable playerbase yet, Roblox has a QA team that you may find helpful too.

The point I’m trying to hammer in is to stress test your game :stuck_out_tongue:

I prefer to use 50/50 so have it detailed but set player count to a stable number, personally I find 30-35 is the limit before it starts to lag, so try a 50/50 and if that doesn’t work take away some detail or players or both until you find the ratio that suits you.

I have roughly 15k bricks in my main project, it runs like a charm… Both on PC and Mobile, It can even be handled on an iPhone 5.

Just avoid Unions at all costs, always turn the Unions into Meshes since I’m pretty sure that Unions take up more memory compared to meshes… The engineering team really needs to take a look at Unions, I’ve had way too many issues when I was using them.

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