Player crashing when they die (game breaking bug)

Hello there, I have posted multiple times on this and have done much research and have still not found a fix. It seems about half the times a player dies they crash I’ve tested this on multiple devices my computer and my phone. I also had my friends try on their computers and they had the same result.

I feel it could have something to do with the guns which are made by Roblox or Reference Games but I’m unsure because I haven’t found any issues that could crash the game with them.

I have also tested this in Roblox studio and it works perfectly fine, but when I join within the actual place on the Roblox website it crashes almost every time you die. And yes I have run team tests and test servers in Roblox studio and found no issues that crashed the game. I have tried numerous times to simulate exactly what happens within the Roblox game and have found nothing through studio only in-game in Roblox. As far as I have seen the game worked fine before adding guns but I see no game-breaking issues with the guns and wouldn’t expect there to be any as they are made by the official Roblox account or Reference Games.

I lightly edited the scripts by removing the shoulder cam and adding in this script as a Localscript into the tool:

local ReplicatedStorage = game.ReplicatedStorage
local WeaponsSystem = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("WeaponsSystem")
local weaponModule = require(WeaponsSystem:WaitForChild("WeaponsSystem"))
local camera = workspace.Camera
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

-- When died or first joined do not set camera to gun = false
camera.CameraSubject = player.Character
weaponModule.normalOffset =,0,0)
player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui"):WaitForChild("WeaponsSystemGui").Enabled = false

script.Parent.Equipped:Connect(function() = true
	player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui"):WaitForChild("WeaponsSystemGui").Enabled = true
script.Parent.Unequipped:Connect(function() = false
	camera.CameraSubject = player.Character
	weaponModule.normalOffset =,0,0)
	player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui"):WaitForChild("WeaponsSystemGui").Enabled = false

I know this is not scripting support and there is no issue with the script (to my understanding there is not) I just want to provide as much information on the issue as possible to faster find a fix to it.

As I stated before this issue does not occur in studio or any type of studio testing servers and I don’t believe that it matters but I did all this in team create.

Here is a video of the player crashing after dieing on PC:

( Sorry its low quality I had to compress the video)

I attempted to record it crashing on my phone but the recording would stop right as it crashed and I couldn’t get the right footage. But it basically just closes.

It seems sometimes Roblox fully just closes as well. At this point, I am pretty desperate to find a fix if there is any other information I can give please let me know this is my 3rd post on this issue any help is much appreciated.



I dont think theres a fix. But maybe try preventing players from resetting?

I’ve considered this and have even done it but it won’t matter if I add guns. I might try removing the rovlox guns completely and making my own. That Is if the guns are the issue.

try to make the guns you make just ragdoll them and send them to menu and not let them die ig

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Yeah I might do that but I decided to try my chances with Roblox support first.

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